YouTube- Chuggaaconroy

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Suggested by
MaddyHatter7465 and SquidKid787
Photo not mine just saying

I was having a walk around town when I saw a dude with a camera. I than saw another dude and two girls walking with them. Who walks around with a camera? I couldn't help but look at them. That was until the guy in the polo shirt look at me. I than looked at the ground and continued my way. Why did I look at them for. They then stopped somewhere like if they were lost. I was about maybe 10 feet away from them. I continued walking hoping they wouldn't notice me.

"Hey can you help us by any chance." The tallest guy said. I than stopped staring at the floor and looked up.

"With what?" I asked.

"We are trying to find out where this place is. By the way my name is Masea." She said. I than looked at where they wanted to go.

"Oh well keep going on this street until you see the McDonald's then take a right. After that keep looking left until you see the building." I said.

"Thank you. I'm Mal." The other girl said.

"I'm Stephen." The tall guy said. I than looked at the guy with the polo shirt on. He just looked at me. Until Masea poked him. He than got off from his day dream.

"I'm Emile." He said. I then smiled.

"I'm (Y/N). If you guys need anything give me a call." I said. I than wrote my number down on a piece of paper I had and gave it to Emile since he was the closest.

"We might get lost again. We are visiting this area actually. We are from Seattle." Emile said.

"Wow different climate. Well enjoy your stay at California." I said with a smile and continued my walk. What a group of nice people. But polo shirt dude was cute. But they most likely won't see me ever again. Oh well. At least I meet them right? I finally got home and went on the computer. I than got on the Wii U and play some Splatoon. I went on ranked battler seeing it was tower control. I kept my phone next to me in case they needed help. I was in a middle of a game when my phone rang. I died so I grabbed the phone and put it on speaker. At that time my team was on the urge of losing.

"Hey what's up." I said. Trying to take the tower back before it reached the point.

"Oh we were wondering if yo..."

"OH MY GOSH TEAM WHY DID YOU LET THEM GO TO THE POINT I'M A ROLLER AND I DID BETTER THAN YOU ALL. UGHHH." I said raging. "You were saying?" I said forgetting they called.

"Oh I was gonna ask if you wanted to come over to our place. But it seems your back is hurting from carrying your team." He said.

"You got that right but don't you guys want to come to my place. There is a lot of room here." I said.

"Let me ask them." I than heard mumbling. "They said sure. Send the address and we will be there." He said.

"Okay I'll send it." And with that we hung up. I sent him the address and my match was about to start. So I opened the door in case they came and I was in a game. I went back to my rank battles getting a better team than last time. I finally got to rank A- but I was place in the worst team for three games straight. But the last game made me loss it. "WOW WOW WOW. GET BETTER TEAM MATES. I JUST LOST MY RANK A- BECAUSE OF YOU ALL. GAHHHHH." I said. Rage quitting from ranked battles. I than went to turf wars. I was in the middle of my first game when the door bell rang. "ITS OPEN." I yelled. I died at that moment and I looked and saw Stephen, Mal, Masea, and Emile. "Hi guys, would greet you but in a game." I said.

"Well you can greet us after." Emile said. I won the game and I went to the lobby.

"So hey there everyone." I said and laughed a bit. "So what do you guys want to do." I asked.

"You have smash huh?" Emile said.

"Yeah how did you know?" I asked.

"Because of your amiibos." He said.

"Oh yeah. I'm actually on the hunt for Villager and Bowser Jr. Haven't seen them." I said.

"Well maybe one day you'll find him." Emile said with a smile. Gosh he is so cute.

"Well let's play smash." Masea said. I than loaded up smash.

"Just to warn you guys I don't have the DLC. I'm just saying." I said.

"How come?" Stephen asked.

"I don't have the money for it. I'm saving up for the 3ds." I said.

"Well (Y/N), be prepared to lose against me."

"Be prepared to lose against Villager fool." I than said. We fought a few matches before we decided to play some 1 V 1 in splatoon. I loaded it up and it was Emile and me first. He got the Splatterscope while I chose the roller. I ended up losing by one point. Mal and Stephen were playing when I felt really sleepy. I ended up sleeping on someone's shoulder. I could care less who it was.

Emile's POV

The match was getting intense with Mal and Stephen. I was about to get up when I felt someone lay their head on my shoulder. I look and saw (Y/N) sleeping peacefully.

"Dang look at you. Getting the girl." Masea said laughing.

"I'm not getting any girls." I said.

"But you want her don't you." Mal said.

"No, what are you talking about." I said. I felt my cheeks heating up.

"CHUGGA HAS A CRUSH GUYS." Stephen said.

"Emile has a crush on (Y/N)." Mal said.

"Seems like just yesterday we moved in together." Mal said pretending to be sad yet proud. Well looks like we are sleeping over here.

Aweeeee Emile had a crush. So cute. Any who, who should I do next. I'm always up for suggestions. Any way I got nothing else. Peace fellow unicorns and stay fresh.

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