~12~ Another Four Years Later

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Well, It's been another four years. Let me tell you a bit about it as it's been one hell of a ride.

When Bill, Lucas, Finley and I had graduated, I got a job as a Healer for a year as Bill went to work in Egypt. Lucas, Finley and Damon became Aurors at the Ministry of Magic while Charlie and Rue moved to Romania to work as Dragonologists.

I've been teaching History of Magic at Hogwarts for the last three years which has been amazing. Fred and George had started school a few years ago and have been causing so much trouble. I had to give them detention almost every single day, along with their best friend Lee Jordan.
Ron had also started school and was now going into his third year, while the twins were going into their 5th, Ginny her 2nd and Percy his 7th. Percy just got appointed Head Boy which he happily talked about with me.

Even though I was perfectly content to live by myself, Mrs. Weasley insisted I stay with them, since I only had to stay with them during the summer and winter holidays.

Over the last four years, Bill still hadn't bothered to owl me once. However, he was telling everyone else to talk to me for him. He told Charlie to tell me that Bill still loved me and he told the twins to tell me that he missed me a lot. I would always get really annoyed with the fact that he didn't owl me himself.

Ron had become best friends with the famous Harry Potter, along with another bright girl Hermione Granger. Those three caused a lot of trouble during their first two years, both of them involving Voldemort.

During the summer, the Weasley's had gone to Egypt to visit Bill. I was, of course, invited, but I declined. I couldn't see Bill after four years. I still loved him and it hurt.

Now, we were on the Hogwarts Express for another year at Hogwarts. The notorious killer Sirius Black had just escaped Azkaban, and so all the parents were telling their children to be careful.

I walked onto the train, heaving my trunk. I waved to the students who greeted me. I found a compartment with only one person inside it.

"Er, excuse me do you mind if I sit here?" I asked.

The figure had their jacket pulled up to their face, so I couldn't see the mans face. But he looked like he was sleeping, so as quietly as I could, I put my trunk inside and sat down. The sliding door opened and Ron, Harry and Hermione slipped in.

"I wonder who that is." said Ron, sitting down.

"That's Professor R. J. Lupin," Hermione replied.

"How do you know?" asked Ron narrowing his eyes.

"It says so on his trunk."

I looked up and sure enough, there was the name on the mans trunk.

"Wonder what he's going to teach." Ron said, holding his pet rat Scabbers.

"Probably Defence Against the Dark Arts." I said, moving my bag so that Harry could sit down beside me. "It's the only spot open."

"Well, he better be up for it. He looks like one simple hex could finish him off." Ron said.

Hermione glared at him while I looked at the man, Lupin, judging by his trunk. He did look really thin and slightly ill.

Harry started telling Ron and Hermione about how Mr. Weasley and the Minister of Magic, Fudge, had told him how Sirius Black was coming after him.

"Don't do anything stupid Harry," I said.

Harry groaned. "I'll try."

After a while, the train shook a bit and stopped.

"Finally," said Ron eagerly.

"We can't be there yet," Hermione said, looking at her watch.

"The train probably broke down." I said, but I took out out my wand just in case.

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