~53~ Percy's Arrival

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Harry, Ron and Hermione told us they'd be leaving in two days, and that we didn't need to see them off. Bill lent them a tent and now they were preparing for their departure. The night before they left, I was in my room with Bill, and I was tracing lines on his palm.

"I hope they'll be alright," I said.


"What were you an Harry talking about?" I asked.

Bill sighed. "I'd tell you but, Harry really didn't want me to know much, so I'd rather not repeat anything."

I nodded in understanding. The next morning, Bill informed me that the three were gone, along with the goblin. I nodded as Bill went downstairs. I suddenly felt sick and ran to the bathroom, retching into the toilet.

"Ugh," I muttered, wiping my mouth.

I brushed my teeth and froze. My period was almost a week late, even though it was always on time. I three up this morning, and I remember I threw up yesterday morning too. I had sex for the first time with Bill over a week ago.......

I grabbed my want and pointed it at my stomach. It glowed a bright green and I gasped. No way..... I couldn't be..... but I was.

I ran downstairs where Bill was serving breakfast and Luna and Dean were setting the table.

"What is-?" began Bill.

I ran at him screaming "I'M PREGNANT!"

Luna gasped and Dean dropped the plate he was holding. Bill pulled away from me and stared at me.

"What?" he sputtered. "How-? When-?"

"I took the test now." I said. "With my wand."

He stared at me for a few more seconds, and my heart dropped. He wasn't happy. He didn't want a child.

But then he grinned and spun me around. "Oh my god I'm going to be a father!"

The rest of the day past with us celebrating. Luna and Dean had gotten over their shock and were thrilled as well. But then Luna and Dean both suddenly reached into their pockets and pulled out coins, staring at it, before looking back at each other.

"What's going on?" I asked, but Dean had already grabbed Luna's hand and they ran out of the door.


Holding onto each other, they Disapperated.

"What on earth!" I said.

Almost just as soon as that happened, I saw Remus Apprating and running to us.

"We need to get to Hogwarts!" he yelled.

He didn't need to tell us twice. He followed Remus, but Bill turned around and grabbed my arm.

"No!" he said. "You can't come!"

"What why?" I asked.

Remus looked confused. "What?"

"Fawn," said Bill, ignoring Remus. "You're pregnant I'm not letting you go! That place has Death Eaters teaching there!"

Remus' mouth dropped open. "Pregnant?"

"No I'm coming!" I yelled.


And before I could say anything, Bill grabbed Remus' arm and they Apparated.


I didn't care, I was going. I Apparated straight into the Hog's Head. Aberforth sighed. "Alright, hurry up girl."

I ran through the portrait and pushed through, to see Bill, Remus, Sirius, Lucas, Damon, Finley, Fred, George, Mad-Eye, Kingsley, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, Oliver Wood, Katie Bell, Angelina Johnson, Alicia Spinnet and hundreds of other students.

Oliver saw me first. "Professor Black!"

Bill turned around and his face turned red. "I thought I told you to stay put!"

"NO!" I said angrily. "If you were called here, then something important is going to happen! I am not about to leave you!"

"She's a part of the Order Bill," said Mrs. Weasley looking confused. "Why would she not come?"

"Because she's pregnant!" Bill hissed, so that no one, but the three of us, would hear.

"Oh I'm going to have a grandchild!" she sobbed, then she stopped and pulled away. "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING, COMING HERE!"

"I WANT TO FIGHT!" I yelled back.


The door opened and Harry and Luna were rushing down the stairs.

"Wha-?" asked Harry, staring at us.

"Harry what's happening?" asked Remus.

"Voldemort's on his way, they're barricading he school." said Harry. "Snape's run for it---What are you doing here? How did you know?"

"We sent messages to the rest of Dumbledore's Army," Fred explained. "You couldn't expect everyone to miss the fun, Harry, and the D.A. let the Order of the Phoenix know, and it all kind of snowballed."

"What first, Harry?" called George. "What's going on?"

"They're evacuating the younger kids and everyone's meeting in the Great Hall to get organized," Harry said. "We're fighting."

We all roared and started running past him. Bill pulled me back. "You're staying here!"

"No Bill!"

The crowd was thinning, and soon the only people left were me, Bill, Ginny, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, Remus, Sirius, Lucas, Damon, Finley, Fred and George.

"You're underage!" Mrs. Weasley shouted at her daughter. "I won't permit it! The boys, yes, but you, you've got to go home!"

"I won't! I'm in Dumbledore's Army!"

"A teenager's gang!"

"A teenagers' gang that's about to take him on, which no one else has dared todo!" said Fred.

"She's sixteen!" shouted Mrs. Weasley. "She's not old enough! What you two were thinking bringing her with you—-"

Fred and George looked slightly ashamed of themselves.

"And you!" yelled Mrs. Weasley at me. "You're pregnant!"

Everyone gasped and stared at me and Bill.

"Mum's right, Ginny," said Bill gently to Ginny. "You can't do this. Everyone underage will have to leave, it's only right." he turned to me. "Fawn, darling, please go home! if anything happens to you or the baby...."

"Hold on, pregnant?" asked Sirius.

"Since when?" asked Damon.

"Woah," whispered Lucas.

"Great timing." said Finley.

"I'm gonna be an uncle!" said George happily.

"Ew, did you two really have se-" began Fred, but Mrs. Weasley cut him off.

"Go home Ginny and Fawn." she said.

"I can't go home!" said Ginny, her eyes sparkling with tears.

"Our whole family's here!" I said.

Ginny looked at Harry, who shook his head and turned away.

"Fine," she said, staring at the entrance to the tunnel back to the Hog's Head. "I'll say good-by now, then, and---"

There was a scuffling and a great thump. Someone else had clambered out of the tunnel, overbalanced slightly, and fallen. He pulled himself up to the nearest chair, looked around through lopsided horn-rimmed glasses, and said, "Am I too late? Has it started? I only just found out, so I --- I ---"

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