Chapter 13

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When I realized that a football was heading towards my way, it was too late. It hit me straight in the nose and I felt blood dripping down. It was free period and I made the "wise" decision of sitting in the bleachers in the football field. "Look, the freak finally got a makeover!" Why are highschool jocks so annoying? It seriously gets on my nerves. "Yo, are you just gonna stand there or are you gonna pass the ball back?" I put my left hand under my nose so it won't make more of a mess, then I picked up the ball. I was walking down the stairs until the athletes were blocking my way of exiting. "Hand the ball back, you monster." That really triggered my rage and before I could take note of what I was doing, I threw the ball with all of my strength at the same guy that threw it at me. It hit him in the nose like mine, except his nose was actually broken. He looked pissed at me while his minions had shock painted on their faces. I then ran as fast as I could to the bathroom. I could hear someone following me, but I didn't care. I just ran into the girl's bathroom and locked myself in a stall. I quickly grabbed some toilet paper and stuffed it in my nose. You could still hear my heavy breathing, but over that I heard the bathroom door open.

"Hello?" It was a male voice. Could they have followed me in here to torture me more? No they wouldn't. It would hurt their masculinity and their ego. "I'm not here to hurt you, but I saw your nose was bleeding pretty bad and I wanted to make sure you were ok." I can't trust that he's telling the truth, but he sounds genuine. I put my other hand that wasn't covered in dried blood up to my bandanna. It was still secure and it wasn't covered in blood. I then let out a breath that I didn't even notice I was holding. I unlocked the stall door and then pushed the door open. He then looked at me with bright eyes. I know those eyes, Scott Wyoming.

He was in my homeroom in middle school. He's a popular kid, great football player. Why would he be in here for me? Yeah he was always nice, but why would someone so popular be concerned about someone like me? He gave me a warm smile, before a look of concern. "Hey, are you okay?" He walked closer to me looking at my nose that's still stuffed with tissue. "I-I'm fine. The bleeding is gonna stop soon anyway, I t-think" I mumbled. I then remembered my bloody hand, so I looked at the ground while walking to the sinks. "I'm glad. I'm sorry about him, he just gets like that sometimes." I gulped. I focused my eyes on washing my hands. He was watching my every move. Creep. "So, I've seen you around school, let me introduce myself, I'm-" "You're Scott Wyoming, I know. You don't need to introduce yourself. We were in the same homeroom since middle school." He seemed stunned. After I dried my hands I pulled the tissue out of my nose and it seems like the bleeding stopped, like I predicted.

I then washed my face of the remaining blood. "Oh, well I don't quite remember your name, please remind me." "Don't you have a practice to go back to?" I dried my face then looked dead at him. He looked down and realized that he was still in his uniform. "I won't go back till I get your name." I rolled my eyes and then I remembered that he couldn't see them. "Well then you're gonna be here all day. Good luck." I was walking towards the door before I felt guilt rush through my spine. He's a nice guy, he doesn't deserve the cold shoulder. I turned around and answered his question; "My name is Catherine." Then I walked out.

When I got home I was greeted by my sister who surprisingly came home early. "Hey sis, what's up?" I was so confused. "How colme Vic is home early?" I asked. "Wow, not happy that I got out early?" I just looked at her blankly. "If you really want to know, the family is having dinner with Blake's family." "I'm assuming Blake is your boyfriend that you were sneaking off to see." I then see Vic's face turn into a slight tint of pink, she nodded her head. "So you told mom and dad about him?" "Yeah, they were mad at me for sneaking off and not telling them sooner, but they were super supportive of it and they're meeting him today, so are you. Mom and dad are just getting ready, I suggest you do too." I nodded and then went to my room. I looked at my closet and I know that they would want me to wear something nice because it's a special occasion. I threw on a black dress with white leggings and pulled my hair into a ponytail. I made sure my door was closed and locked before I took off my bandanna. To my surprise, they were actually brown. That's a first. Wow I am so happy right now. "Yes!" I whispered to myself. Then I saw that it changed to yellow. Dang it. It turns yellow if I'm really happy. I was doing so good. I don't even understand why this happens. I don't know what emotion to do to get my eyes naturally brown. I then saw that my eyes turned navy. Frustrated, makes sense. "Cathie let's go!!" I hear my mom shout. "Coming!" I put my bandanna back on and then left my room.

The restaurant that we went to wasn't that fancy, but I'm glad I wore something nicer than my usual attire. Turns out that Blake is a nice guy. Our dad went all protective for a little, but my parents like him and he likes ours. Everything was honestly nice. I of course didn't really speak. The food was actually half decent, I got the chicken tenders and fries. They were ok but they were government food so they were still kinda gross. Everything was going well and smooth, until Blake decided to ask questions.

"So, Cathie is it?" I just nodded and focused my attention on eating. "Don't really talk do you? Are you mute? Because you know, the government can fix that for you." It makes sense that he would want to know me better, he is dating my sister after all. "No, I can talk." I blatantly said. "Ok that's cool. So, why do you wear that bandanna? It's cool don't get me wrong, but it's a little weird don't you think?" I choked on my food. Vic nudged him and said "She has sensitive eyes I told you." I took a sip of my water so I won't suffocate on a piece of fry. Blake then turned to my sister. "Well babe I just want to see her full face. She might be my future sister-in-law." I then spit out my water. Vic never told me about the possibility of them being married! I looked at her and she looked back at me. She looked back at him and then looked at me. "Fine, Cathie, can you remove your bandanna for a quick minute please?" No this can't happen right now. My eyes might be a different color and this could end badly. "I will, but if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go clean off my dress." They all looked down at my dress and they see that it still has that water stan plus some grease stains. I scurried to the bathroom and went straight to the bathroom. I loosened up my bandanna and let it rest on my neck. As I predicted, my eyes are grey, meaning that I'm scared.

I'm scared I'm gonna ruin this for Vic, I know she loves him. I closed my eyes and focused on my natural eye color and then opened my eyes.  They were still grey. Come on. Of all times this could happen, it has to happen right now. I tried to do the same thing again and then I saw that one eye is grey and one is navy. Of course this is just great, Then out of nowhere, I heard a scream. I turned around and I saw a middle aged woman that looked incredibly scared. I swear to god, my heart skipped a beat, I then saw that she ran screaming "POLICE POLICE!!" Shoot. So much for not ruining Vic's night. Wait, if I get caught, they're gonna kill me.

I tied my bandanna around my eyes as tight as I could, and I ran. I ran.

HEY BUBBAS how are y'all doing? I hope y'all liked the chapter. Shit really went down 🤭. Well I'll try to get the next chapter to you guys as soon as possible. I love y'all ❤️❤️

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