Chapter 10

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Remember when I told you that the government is very homophobic? Today during fourth period, there was a kid in my class who had a boyfriend, and that kid happens to be a boy. They were in their secret part of the hallway talking and when they were kissing each other, the soldiers snatched and pulled those kids and threw them in a truck. Yeah, they hate different. When I did research from what happened years ago (and when I say years ago, I mean the 2000 period) it wasn't that different. I mean, obviously nowadays it's way worse, but it still happened. I'm actually really shocked and surprised by that. Anyway, there were millions of LGBTQ+ people getting brutally murdered because people hate them so much and I was beyond shocked. People deserved to be treated right no matter how different they are.

I was awakened by the normal sound of the alarm and I groaned after I registered that I wasn't dreaming. It was the weekend, I'm shocked too at how fast this week has gone. It was boring, per usual. I wish there was something in my life that made things more interesting. Lord knows I need it. I sit up and I hear all of my bones cracking and I can feel my muscles tighten before loosening. I hope today can be more chill than the rest of the week.

I decided that I would go take a shower this morning because why not. I actually got the house to myself today since my parents have to go to the monthly parent meeting on how to keep your children from breaking the rules and how to handle teens. I find it stupid too. I grabbed a pair of sweatpants and a black hoodie then walked over to the bathroom. Once I stepped through the threshold I felt the coolness of the AC hit me. The bathroom has always felt colder. I locked the door behind me and startedd stripping my clothes off and untieing my bandanna. I set up the whole thing with the water and soap. I put it in and started scrubbing it. Once the water turned a little foggy I thought it was good enough to soak.

The warm water helps relax muscles and soothes the pain. Also it clears the mind. My mind is never clear. If anything, to help clear it is to actually talk about it. I remember there was this kid in freshman year. Her name was Hannah. She was always quiet, kept to herself. Never really talked to anyone and thought that she wasn't noticed. I did though. I was never close with her, but I knew her. A perk of being me, is that I hear and see everything. I'm the weird kid with a bandanna so no one spoke with me unless they were forced to. Back to the subject, one thing that I noticed was that she always wore long sleeves. Never one day passed without her wearing her long sleeves. She seemed like a nice person when I last talked with her.

I found out 4 months later she killed herself. Her family were taken by the government and when they got out they couldn't remember her name or that she even existed. It was really sad, even I was and I didn't even know her. I know that I have no right to feel sad because I never knew her, but I can't help it. The fact that her family forgot about her. What did they do to them? What's gonna happen if out of the blue they remember about her? I have no clue, but I'm really curious of what would happen if they did.

I won't dwell on that subject anymore. I need to relax today because this is one of the only days I get that I don't need to worry about people possibly reporting me. Well, I still do, but nonetheless, I need to chill. I finished washing my body and then turned off the water. The steam still lingers but I don't really care. I slipped on all of my clothes and put on my bandanna.

I went back to my room and I got out my Ipod and headphones. I could get killed for doing this kind of stuff. Anything other than clean pop music that the government assigns is completely illegal. I honestly don't care at this point because I basically have a death sentence already because of my eyes. I don't care at this point honestly, I'm not afraid to die. I don't have anything to lose. Well, I have Vic. I know that she'll miss me, but I know for a fact that once she finds out who, what I truly am, she won't look at me the same. No one will. My mom would probably have her jaw on the ground, her eyes already watering while my dad gets his phone and calls the police. I don't even want to imagine the look on Vic's face. I betrayed her. And I could never forgive myself for that.

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