Chapter 16

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They were talking about what to do with me. They whispered so I wouldn't hear, but I can hear a little. I guess it's a perk of not having that much eyesight available on the daily, all of my other senses are heightened.

After a couple more minutes of their mumbling, I tried to get up and walk over to them. If they don't want me here, I could leave. I don't want to burden anyone else in my life. I already burdened my family with my existence, the least I could do is get out of their hair. I tried standing but my legs were burning. It hurts a lot, but it's fine. Just a couple more minutes, and then I'll try to figure something out. What will I even do when I get out of here? My clothes make it way too obvious, and a bandanna is probably one of the things they jotted down as something to look for when they find me. I also need to find a way to heal all of my wounds. Some of them are actually really bad.

I was only able to walk 3 steps before my legs gave up on me and I fell. Dang it. I fell straight to the concrete floor and my hands caught me at the last minute. I could feel the scrape on my hand from the course floor. "Ow, crap." I said under my breath. I guess my fall was loud and they all looked at me. I looked back at them, and then I just saw Mina run towards me. "Catherine are you ok?! Why did you get out of bed?" She sounded worried. She picked me back up and set me on the bed once more. "Yeah that is stupid." ths same black hair boy said to me. "Shut up Justin." The guy that I assumed was Justin rolled his eyes. They were all looking at me. "I-I was just gonna tell you guys that I could leave. If y-you don't want me here, I could just go back. I'll figure things out. I don't want to burden you guys." They all looked at me with sympathy.

Mina looked at the group and the group looked at her. It's like they were communicating through their minds. "Fine, she can stay. As long as no one else has a problem with it." Justin said, giving up. Everyone shook their heads, silently saying that they don't have any problems. Mina looked at me with excitement. I smiled back at her. I can't believe that they're letting me stay. "T-thank you. I greatly appreciate it." Maybe this could be my home.

Everyone went to sleep, which everyone sleeps in a lot of different places. The blue haired girl, I found out her name was Luna, she sleeps in a hammock near the ceiling. I sleep near Mina. I'm actually glad because of that, she's the only one I feel comfortable with. Right now, she's helping me with my wounds. It surely stings, but I'll learn how to deal with it. For most of the time, we just sat in silence. It was awkward, but comforting. "And, finished!" She said. I turned my head towards her with a smile. "Thanks Mina, for everything. I don't know what I would've done without you." I then turned to her as she put the medical stuff away. "No problem Catherine! I had to help, plus, you intrigued me." She said in a little bit of a playful matter. That's cute.  I had to take off my dress so she could bandage everything up and I saw that she was tinted pink a bit. I hope I don't make her nervous, but then again, it is a little hot in here, so that's probably why. As I reached for my bag, Mina came back and sat next to me. "So, what's in the bag?" she asked. Should I tell her? I have my Ipod in here, what if she makes fun of me for it?! What if the others find out I have this?! Technically these are banned, but it's not like they're gonna turn me in. My thoughts were interrupted with Mina's voice "Hey you good Catherine? No matter what's in there, I won't judge." She then gave me a warm smile. I returned the smile and told her "You can call me Cathie." Her smile grew and waves of happiness rushed through my body. I turned to the bag and started emptying it.

"I tried to grab anything I could reach, I was rushing." Mina nodded her head. I pulled out a bunch of Jello cups, like, a lot. That's kind of embarrassing, but Mina chuckled, which eased my nerves a bit. I gave a nervous smile at her and her laughing continued. After I emptied my bag of the Jello cups, I got all of the clothes that I packed out of my bag. It's only pants and hoodies, but there are a few shirts there. There were also a few undergarments which I'm extremely thankful that those are there. I then pulled out my notebook and pen. I looked at her with caution. I know having a diary is really childish, but it kinda helps. I don't know why I care about her opinion a lot, but I don't want her to make fun of me. "Is this your diary?" She then looked at me. "Y-yes." I looked down at my feet. She definitely thinks it's childish. "Oh, that's cool! I would have one too, but I don't really have the opportunity to go get one." She then scratched the back of her neck. I looked at her with a little shock on my face. Her? Of all people. She seems so cool for diaries. "O-oh. Cool" I said. Then I looked at my Ipod and headphones at the bottom of the bag. I slowly take it out of the bag and stare at it. I can feel her staring at it too. What is she gonna do? Is she gonna destroy it? I won't let her destroy it, this means too much to me. She has more fighting experience than me, but I feel like I could at least be able to run away if she tries to grab it. "W-wow." She said. I finally grew the gut to look at her. She was still looking at the device with shock, but also curiosity.

"Where did you get that?" She asked, looking at me again. "W-well, my great grandma gave it to me before she died. She never liked this whole system either, so she gave me something that has been passed down from the family. She was gonna pass it to my grandma or my mom, but they didn't want to take it because of all of the laws, so she gave it to me as a secret. It has helped me throughout the years, it's the only thing that's been keeping me sane." I then noticed I was smiling. Talking about music makes me happy. "Wow, that's really cool, who is your favorite artist?" That's a pretty hard question, but I think I know my answer. "Well, if I had to choose one, it'll definitely be Billie Eilish." She looked at me with pure joy. "I've only heard stories about her!! I heard her music but I've never been able to listen to her." She's so cute, but I'm not gonna get my hopes too high, I barely met her. Plus, I don't even know if she likes girls. What if she's homophobic?! I need to calm down, I need to get to know her more. I can't be making assumptions about her when she just saved my life and gave me a place to stay. An idea then popped into my head. "D-do you want to listen to her with me?" She then looked up at me like a child on Christmas. "I-if you wouldn't mind!" I plugged in the headphones and gave her one of the earphones.

I put in my earphones and then shuffled all of Billie Eilish's songs, My Future comes on first. "I can't seem to focus And you don't seem to notice I'm not here I'm just a mirror" I can see her face light up with excitement. Then she did something I didn't expect her to do, she laid her head on my shoulder. I slightly panicked because you know, a really cute girl is resting her head on my shoulder while listening to one of my favorite artists. But I got used to it and her touch comforts me. Everything in this world then disappears. Right now, I feel safe, carefree. I feel like I belong. "Cause I, I'm in love With my future Can't wait to meet her And I, I'm in love But not with anybody else Just wanna get to know myself"

Heyyyyyyy what's good? I hope you like this um, yeah. I love you guys.

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