Her parents

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As I came downstairs in a cloud themed short skirt and a crop top with my hair in space buns,she was waiting for me. She had a scowl on her face and I wasn't entirely happy either but I tried to act. "Rain cloud we don't have to go to my parents house." She said still scowling as she picked my 5'2 self up off of the second to last step and hugged me tightly to her body. "Baby it's fine.."
"No it's not I'm sorry I know you hate going to my parents because they're homophobic and I haven't told them yet so we don't have to go..."
I shook my head. "Baby it's fine I can't keep you from your family I'll just have to deal with being alone without your hugs and kisses for a little while.."
"I'm going to tell them.."
"Wait today?"
"Well yeah cause..I always feel bad when we get home from there and you start crying cause of your issues..and I hate seeing you cry because of me.."
"Baby.." I hug her tightly to comfort her as she nuzzles my shoulder. "You're so brave Lizzy Bear.." I say running my hands through her hair so she feels comfortable. Me and Lizzy had been dating for almost 3 years now and she still hadn't told her parents,so every time we went over it was a living hell for my mind. She was so brave for wanting to tell her parents but I felt bad for her having to do it because of me. I never had the struggle of coming out to my parents but I did have the struggle of coming out to Joey's parents who had raised me basically. So I knew how hard it was.
"Ready to go Rain Cloud?" she asked wiping her tears. I nodded and kissed her cheek as she teleported us to her parents house. She put me down after one last hug and kiss and then knocked on the door. Her mom answered.
"Honey!! Welcome home! I see you brought your friend with you again." She said eyeing me. "Yeah I did mom.." Lizzy said slightly looking down. "Hello Dear!" Her mom said. "Hey Mrs. Alexandria.." I said trying to sound happy. "Oh my what are those on your neck?" She looked at my neck examining my hickey's. "U-Um-" I tried to push her away because I didn't like her touching my neck but she wouldn't budge. "Mom! Enough! She doesn't like being touched!" Lizzy said getting angry at her mom for making me uncomfortable. "L-Lizzy it's fine-.."
"No it's not!!" She said getting angry now. "Well she could have told me to stop herself Lisanna Anne-Marie." Her mother said using her full middle name. "No she couldn't because she was afraid!!!"
"Afraid of what?"
"Of you!!! And your perfect little world! You don't know anything about her and you go and touch her neck!!!You made my girlfriend uncomfortable!!!" She said shouting harshly. I stepped in front of her putting my arms out blocking her mom. "Lizzy calm down it's okay it's okay! See? No harm done!" I said showing her my neck which was completely fine. She was starting to calm. "G-Girlfriend?!" Her mom shouted. Oh no. She heard. I started opening my mouth to do damage control but Lizzy opened hers first. "Yes,my girlfriend."
"You mean a girl that's a friend?" Her mother said laughing nervously.
"No mom! My girlfriend! G I R L F R I E N D!"
I started backing into Lizzy's arm because there was too much shouting. She could tell I was anxious so she picked me up and pushed past her mom going inside the house and sitting with me in her lap to calm me. I know I shouldn't have but I couldn't help but hold her tightly and start crying. "It's okay little Rain cloud I'm right here...no ones gonna hurt you or yell at you...it's okay..I've got you...always.." she said holding me closely and slightly rocking me almost if I were a fragile baby....

Lizzy's POV:
(Trying something new ahahaha)
As I rocked my small Rain Cloud in my arms I noticed her starting to calm down and slowly fall asleep. So I took her and laid her down in my room with a stuffie and went back to my mother who was still in shock.
"S-So you're...?"
"A lesbian? Yes mom. Literally how could you not tell I literally listened to girl in red when I was 14."
"I-I'm sorry honey I-I didn't know that would hurt her..."
"Well now you do. You're lucky she was here to calm me down because honestly,I was extremely enraged."
"H-Honey I think that you should give it some time maybe see your old boyfriend from middle school? What was his name..? Noah?"
"What?" I said looking at her in disbelief.
"W-Well maybe it's just a phase-"
"Mom what the hell!!! It's not a phase we've been dating for 3 years!!!"
"Okay okay..."
I looked at her like she was mad. A phase?! I'm not the fucking moon!!! How could she think after what she just saw that it was a phase!!!
"So those things on her neck what are they."
"Hickey's." I said bluntly.
"From who?" She raised a brow.
"From me." I said bluntly and annoyed.
"Have you two—"
"Yes mother."
"I love her and there's literally nothing you can say to make me not. She's been through hell so even if you did get into my head I would never fucking leave her. Everyone that she ever loves leaves her in the dust alone and afraid. So please mom shoot your best fucking shot. But I will never be the daughter you want me to be. I love her. And only her. Noah was only a cover up story. Do you know how long it took her to tell me she liked me? Because she thought I would leave? 3 fucking years. Because she thought that I would leave like everyone else. So yes mom. She's my girlfriend. You can't fucking change it." I said bluntly. She looked like she was thinking with a disgusted look on her face. I wanted to smack her. Or something. She touched my girlfriend and made her uncomfortable. She deserves to be fucking slapped. But I refrained from doing so as I saw my sleepy Rain cloud come down the stairs and attach to me in a hug. I kissed her sleepy face and rubbed her back.
"Can you do that in your room." My mom said. I've never wanted to punch someone so badly in the face. I looked down at my Rain cloud who was shaking her head and sighed. This is going to be the worst night ever....

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