The Family

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WARNING: Depression and anxiety!

Rains POV:

Sometimes in life you have to do things you really don't want to do in this case it was one of those times. Me and Lizzy both hugged and then separated and went downstairs. She decided to tell her dad later,because she was more scared of his un acceptance than that of her moms. I didn't stand too close because of her wishes but I still kept an eye on her incase she went protection mode. As we walked down the stairs I got really nervous,really really nervous. So nervous that I almost fell because I was dizzy and nauseous. Lizzy held me up softly murmuring that everything was okay and kissing my forehead gently. I nodded and softly continued to follow her down the stairs her Dad waiting near the living room.

Lizzy's POV:
"Princess!" My dad exclaimed as he wrapped his arms around me.
"Hey Dad." I said hugging him back.
"You brought Rain back! Oh good!" He exclaimed again wrapping his arms around my baby. "Hey Mr.Fox!" She smiled happily which made me smile. My dad set her down engaging in conversation with her which made me smile because he already loved her. How bad could this go?
We all sat down for dinner all my brothers asking my Rain cloud lots of questions. Nothing Imparticular just random questions. Or so I thought.

Rains POV:

     "So,Rain,are you dating anyone?" Her brother asked. I shifted uncomfortably and replied with a very stupid 'Um'. Lizzy saw how uncomfortable I was and questioned her brother. "What'd you say to her?" Lizzy said bluntly. "Relax I just asked if she was single."
He said. This kid must have a death wish,she stood up her eyes starting to change.
"You did what?!"
"I asked her if she was single is that such a crime?"
"Fuck yeah it is!!!! That's my fucking girlfriend!!" She shouted. Cats out of the bag now. I hugged her tightly. "Liz look at me!" She looked down at me and her expression softened from angry to just a scowl. "Yes my little Rain cloud?" She said softly running her fingers through my hair. "You have to calm down Liz it's okay I'm fine..." She then sat and pulled me into her lap growling softly because she was jealous of her brother trying to steal me. She softly nuzzled my shoulder blades and I looked at her dad who was grinning from ear to ear. "S-Surprise?" He laughed at my attempt to explain what happened. "It's fine Rain,I always knew. You guys aren't very sneaky and plus,I've caught you guys making out on my couch way too many times." He chuckled as I nervously blushed. "O-Oh um I-I'm sorry!" I got nervous and started rambling.

Lizzy's POV:
          I quickly crashed my lips onto Rains to get her to stop rambling, she was nervous and I knew she found comfort in my affection. So,after she nervously pulled away,I turned her around on my lap and hugged her tightly,letting her nuzzle her nervous blushing face into my collar bone. I then sat my head on top of hers looking at my dad. "She rambles when she's nervous?" My dad chuckled and I laughed a bit as well nodding. "Isn't she the cutest?" I nuzzled her hair softly. My mom then of course had to put her two cents in. "I think it's a horrible habit to be nervous of your friends parents." I looked up at her cutting a fierce glance. "Girlfriends parents first off,second off she has high anxiety. So it's not a horrible fucking habit it's just a natural reaction. So kindly,fuck off." I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and hands rubbing circles on my spine. I looked down and Rain was slightly shaking her head at me having the words 'Please drop it' written all over her face. I huffed and kissed her forehead. I then murmured to her, 'Alright princess I'll drop it.' She smiled and nuzzled my chest,she hadn't talked in a bit.. "Baby? Are you okay? You're quiet." She started saying in sign language, 'I don't wanna..' Fuck she's upset. "Do we need to go home Rain cloud?.." She slightly nodded and nuzzled her face into my chest. Fuck she's extremely upset if she wants to go home.
I looked up at my dad. "Hey um she's not feeling very well do you mind if I take her home?"
"Yeah honey go ahead!"
"Thanks dad." I kissed his forehead grabbed our stuff and we drove back home Rain being silent the whole way....

Rains POV:

I couldn't deal with it all. All of the explanations and her brother and my anxiety and everything was just killing me. So when we got home I bolted for my safe space,my walk in closet, and curled up in a ball in the corner of it under my makeup table. I didn't want to talk. I didn't want to make a noise. I didn't want Lizzy to find me but I so desperately longed for her to pull me into her arms and tell me everything was fine. But my body and my mind weren't letting me have that comfort. As I sobbed in the closet I heard the door open I didn't look up or even move,I probably looked like I was dead to be honest. When I felt a pair of arms hug around me I flinched but they just grew tighter and pulled me onto their lap."Rain cloud..don't cry baby doll.." it was Lizzy. She gently cupped my cheeks and wiped away my tears then she picked me up softly and we got into bed. She snuggled me and sang to me for hours,or at least I think,I dozed off while she was singing...
             Once I woke up I realized she was gone..maybe she had finally gotten tired of me and finally just left...just like everyone else. I started sobbing into my pillows because I was hurt. Sure I had expected it but I didn't like the fact that she was gone,that she had left without saying goodbye or even for one last time that she loved me...

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