Beneath The Mask - 200 Follower Special

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Smooth music lilts through the air like magic as I slip between the dancing bodies in the crowd.

No face easily recognizable behind the colorful masks worn upon them.

I receive many appreciative glances as I weave in and out. One particular dark set of eyes catches my attention briefly before he's pulled back into conversation.

I reach my intended target: the bar.

I order a martini, seems fitting in this kind of setting.

I take my drink and sway over to a quiet, darker corner of the packed hall.

I know I look amazing. And I know damn near every man is looking at me whenever I step into their line of sight.

Feeling rather smug I take a seat at a high top stool and cross my leg, the slit up to my hip opening wide to give a nice view to any onlookers.

I sip my drink and mindlessly fiddle with my mask. The sparkling purple and silver reflect like a beacon, catching those dark eyes I saw briefly before.


I'm immediately pulled from the conversation I'm having as she walks by.

Each step she takes exposes the long expanse of her leg. I imagine how soft her skin must feel.

Our eyes meet and a feeling of deep arousal stirs below.

I want her....


I nurse my drink as I watch the crowd dancing before me.

I don't feel any particular urge to join in with anybody. My mind keeps drifting back to those dark eyes.

He's the only one I'd like to spend the evening with.

Suddenly, as if my mind manifested him, the dark eyed man is standing to my right. He leans against the table and slowly brings his eyes from my exposed leg to my own.

"Hullo...." he purrs, leather clad fingers allowing no personal space as he gently touches my exposed skin.

"Hello..." I say seductively back, placing my drink on the table to turn toward him more.

He eyes up my ample cleavage, an appreciative smile spreading slowly.

A cool, slow jazz tune begins to play. A woman sings along but her words are lost as he asks, "may I have this dance?"

I say nothing and offer my hand to him. He places his hand on my hip as he guides me down from the stool. Firm grip fanning the flames of desire already burning within me.

He holds me close, hands holding me as if we were already lovers. His touch firm...needy.

We sway to the song, losing ourselves in each other's eyes.

Not long after the song ends he pulls me from the crowd. The air outside of the packed room is cool and I shiver.

He smirks at me and silently leads me to the elevator.

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