🐱 kuroken 🐱

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Little: Kenma kozume

Cg: kuroo testuro

Age range: 2-7 mostly 6.

My school laptop pov

Nekoma was at the end of a practice match. They were loosing which would lead to a very bratty Kenma after. The entire team was fucked, when kenma was little and bratty. Eventually the practice match ended and the other team had left.

"Ken Ken please don't be bratty"

"No! You dumb!!!"

"Kenma that's not ok to say"

"I don't care you ugly giant!!"

"Kenma kozume. Apologize right now"

"No!!! Ish your fault we wost!!"

"Kenma. Apologize."

Kenma started throwing a tantrum and stomping his feet. "Fuck you!!"

Everyone looked at his caretaker who looked like he was about to set the world on fire.
"Kozume. What did you say."

Kuroo used his daddy voice which was never good, because the other little on the team would slip.


"Come on bubs. We can go home"

Lev nodded and followed yaku out.

"I said fuck you!!!"

"Yamamoto. Can you grab my bag."

"Yes captain"

"Thank you. Shibayama you know what to do."

He just nodded and grabbed the brats hand.

"Kenma kiddo daddy wants you to be a good boy. Can you do that for me?"

"Oki shibi?"

"Thank you. You're still getting a punishment tho"

"Oki.. "

"go apologies to your daddy"

He nodded and walked over
"I'm sorry daddy"

"Its ok baby but your still getting a spanking."

"I know.."


"Here you go captain. We'll clean up"

"Thank you"
Kuroo tossed Kenma over his shoulder waking to the changing room. Once they got there he laid Kenma across his thighs.
"Kenma can you tell me what you did wrong?"

"I threw a tantrum.. and said bad boy words.."

"What else?"

"I screamed at you"

"Exactly baby, now how many spanks is that"


"Good boy"

He gave Kenma ten soft slaps on his bare skin before rubbing lotion.

"Shh baby it's ok.. it's all over"

"I'm sowwy for being a bad boy.." he said sniffling

"Shh kitten, how about this, why don't we have a play date with Lev tomorrow"

"I wan apologise to him.. I called him mean things.."

"It's ok baby I'm sure he forgives you hun"


"I promise now let's go"

He nodded and got up walking with kuroo. He wanted his toy so he asked.

"Daddy can I have a shaky toy"

"Sure baby I'll give it to you in the car"

"Bye guys have a great day!"

Everyone said bye Captian and shibayama gave the little bean a hug.


Soon they got into the car and kuroo hand his baby a rattle. Smiling he shook it and went to go and chew on the handle part.
"No. Baby we don't put toys in our mouths. Do you want your teether?"

"Yes please"

"Ok baby"

At the next red light he handed him the cat-shaped teether. He started chewing on it, getting some drool. He was slipping farther into little space which was never good when he was in a car. He'd normally crawl around and play with his little toys, all they had in the car was the rattle, teether and a paci. He heard tiny sniffles and they made it to kuroo's place. "Baby what's wrong"

He saw that Kenma was shifting around and connected the dots.
He picked up kenma and walked to the bathroom. he took off his clothes after starting a bath. Once he was in the bath he gave him some bath toys and bath paint. He let Kenma play with that while he went to see how bad the accident was. Thank God it was the beginning where it was only tiny little drops on the seat. He went to grab Kenma a pull-up, a clean black and blue onesie with a purple paci clip.
He watched Kenma giggle and play with the toys.
"Having fun kitten?"


"I'm glad"

Kenma have him they yellow water marker and pointed at the blank spot.

He smiled and drew him and kenma stick figures. Kenma giggled and splashed around in the bath. After thirty minutes kuroo pulled him out and emptied the bath water. They had a rule where they kept the drawings on the wall until the next bath.
"Baby how little are you?"

He looked confused so kuroo assumed he was around 1 years to 7 months which would mean he would've very sleepy.
He changed him into the clothes he picked out earlier and carried him to the little room. Small babbles and yawns could be heard from the pudding head so he laid him down in the crib like bed that kuroo ordered when he moved into the place he was now.
"Ni ni kitten"

"I no sweepy daddy"

"Sweetheart if you take a nap daddy will make you some nuggies"

"Otay! Ni ni"

Kuroo smiled and turned off the light, walking out the room to call yaku.

"Hey shorty"

"I'm not short!"

"Yeah yeah wtv you say. Anyways is Lev ok?"

"Mhm, he knows Kenma didn't mean it and right now he's playing with his toys"

"Cute, Kenma is taking a nap. He had an accident on the home and ended up slipping even younger."

"Yeah, anyways why'd you call?"

"Oh, I wanted to see if Kenma could stay over there tmrw. Like all day"

"It's ok with me, I'd have to ask Lev when he's big tho"

"Why not when he's little?"

"He's non-verbal when little"

"Ah ok makes sense"

"Mhm, I've go to go now tho. Lev is coming"

"Alright, bye shorty"

"I'm not-"
Kuroo hung up and started making chicken nuggets. Once he was done he picked up kenma and set him down on a chair, as he awake.
"Daddy I wan wev.. is he comin"

"No baby, your going to levs tomorrow to have a sleepover, now eat your nuggies"

Kenma nodded and started eating his food, swaying his legs and giggling.
"I finish daddy"

"Good boy, why don't you take your pill ok?"

"B-but I no wan to"

"I know bunny but you half to"

Kenma did as told and soon the pair went to bed to get enough energy for the next day.

I will be doing part two of the sleepover eventually.

Agere one shots[discontinued!]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin