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little: Kageyama tobio  (ftn they/them)

caregiver: kenma kozume (he/him she/her they/them)

age: 2-5

TW: transphobia, self-harm scars, and w33d, slurs (that I can use) 

all teams that could make it were at the beach, Kageyama's scars from top surgery were showing which got a few remarks. Tanaka's scars from self-harm on his thighs showed as well. everyone at the time was having fun until an old "friend" of Kageyama came up to them. 
"well ain't it the little tranny, oh and she is a little faggot now huh?" he started laughing. 
kozume walked towards him. "sweetheart are you ok?"
"uhuh... wanna go home now.."
"aw can little [deadname] not handle the truth?"
Tanaka heard him and walked over, a bit pissed off. "oi leave tobio-Kun alone!! fuck off we are trying to have a good summer."
"oh does the transvestite have friends~"
"oi I said fuck off!"
Kage and kenma walked away after saying bye to Tanaka, Kage looking down as tears filled their eyes.  so close to slipping and their lover could tell. "baby, you can be little if you want. do you want baba?" [baba is a toy cat]
"uhuh baba pwease.."
"of course sweet angel"
kenma handed it the little cat and started driving. Kage started chewing on the ear of the kitty, slowly dosing off; it's been a long day for the shy baby.  about 5 minutes away from home kage was asleep. their hair covering their face, drool on their cheek, and the cat hanging on their arm. once they got home kenma unlocked the car doors and house door before carrying kage into the house. taking them to the nursery, changing tobio into a light grey onesie, and pushing in a light pick jeweled pacifier. placing them into the kiddy bed, starting his new stream in his streaming room. about 30 minutes later his small baby crawled into the room. "dada?"
"yes, sweet angle?" kenma raged "stupid fuck!!"
"baba no bad words!!"
"mm, sorry baby why don't you come play by my feet?"
kage crawled over sucking on the pacifier, babbling softly.
comments flowing in:
 誰が子供 (whos the kid)
私たちはあなたの子供を見ることができますか?(can we meet your kid?)
彼のお名前は?(what's his name?)
あなたの子供は何歳ですか?(how old is your kid?)
母親は誰ですか?(whos the mother?)
あなたの息子はとてもかわいく見えます(your son looks so cute)

"子供は私のもので、私の子供には母親がいません。私はそれらの個人情報を提供しません。" (The child is mine and my child has no mother. I will not provide that personal information.)

吸うああ(aww that sucks)

"daddy me hungy"
"ok kiddo stay here ill grab you some milk and a sandwich."

あなたはとても良いお父さんです (you're such a good father)
彼はとても無実に聞こえます (he sounds so cute)

kenma pet his head and walked to the mini-fridge in his streaming room. grabbing a blue baby bottle full of chocolate milk and a small pb&j sandwich. handing it to the boy who is playing on the floor. "eat up kitten"

"みなさん、さようなら、私のストリームを楽しんでいただけたでしょうか。他のゲームのおすすめを送ってください。また、私のTwitter(apple.pie)とInstagram(ken.koxume)をフォローしてください。" (Goodbye everyone, I hope you enjoy my stream. Please send me recommendations for other games. Also, follow me on Twitter (apple.pie) and Instagram (ken.koxume).)

once Kageyama was finished eating they crawled to the toy box grabbing a toy truck and driving it around. kenmas phone ringing, he grabbed it and saw the name "ママ"(mom) he groaned and answered it. 
"こんにちは。なぜ私に電話したのですか?あなたは私があなたと話したくないことを知っています。" (Hello. Why did you call me? You know I don't want to talk to you.)
"こずめ。そのように私に話さないでください、私はあなたのお母さんです。私はあなたの妹が来月結婚することをあなたに伝えるために電話しただけです。あなたとあなたのパートナーは招待されています。あなたがその少年と付き合っているというヒントを見せないでください。" (Kozume. Don't talk to me that way, I'm your mom. I just called to tell you that your sister will get married next month. You and your partner are invited. Don't give any hints that you're dating that boy.)
"どんなお母さんでも。ドレスコードは何ですか?" (whatever mother. what is the dress code?)
"黒または紺色のスーツ。宝石はありません。だから、それらの恥ずべきピアシングを取り除いてください。また、入れ墨を非表示にします。" (Black or dark blue suit. There are no jewels. So get rid of those shameful piercings. also, hide those tattoos)
"彼らは恥ずべきことではありません。私の大切な人を男の子と呼ばないでください。彼らは男の子を借りません。" (They are not shameful. Don't call my loved one a boy. They are not a boy)
"それが彼であるため、私はトビオを男の子と呼びます。" (i will call tobio a boy because that is what he is)
"さようならお母さん。ひろみの結婚式でお会いしましょう。"(Goodbye mom. See you at Hiromi's wedding.)

Kageyama crawling to him. "daddyyyyyyy uppy uppy!!"

kozume laughed softly and picked him up. "such a cute little baby, your daddys cute baby."
Kage started laughing and let out tiny babbles.
"my precious baby.. no one will ever hurt you again i promise. ill never let him near you again.."

Agere one shots[discontinued!]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ