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little: Hinata shoyo
caregiver: kenma kozume 
age range: 5-7

TW: spankings

"no!! I don't wanna clean up!!"
"sho please"
"no!! you buthead!!"
"shoyo don't yell please"shoyo started throwing a tantrum, screaming and crying. kenma who just wanted a calm day was about to have to use his daddy voice on him.
"shoyo Hinata we do not throw a fit."
"you a big meanie!!" he said throwing toys at his caregiver. kenma sighing and looking at the toys scattered around. he was about to lose his patience and put the little in time out.
"shoyo. we do not throw things, either you calm down and pick up or you go in the corner," he said sternly. Hinata ignoring him and kept throwing whatever he could at him until he ran out of stuff so he started screaming and crying again. kenma walked over and picked him up, carrying the boy to time out trying to set him down only to get kicked and hit. which was one of the few things kozume would give shoyo spankings for.
"shoyo. we do not hit others. 10 spanks."
"no!!" he squirmed out of his grip and ran to their room, slamming the door. kozume ran up there and opened the door, grabbing shoyos arm and sitting down. attempting to lay the boy across his lap. he gave him his first spanking as a warning, causing the now toddler to kick his legs. ken pulled shoyos shorts and underwear down, slapping down not too hard. 
"shoyo, 12 spankings. if you keep acting up you get more."
he did the first five and gave him a moment to stop squirming again before giving him the last seven. by the end, the boy was crying and apologizing. kenma was reaching over for the lotion he kept by their bed and squirted it on his bum. rubbing his softly.
"daddy so sorry for spanking you, but you did a bad thing and you needed to be punished. do you know what you did wrong baby boy?"
he sniffled and nodded while kenma rubbed his booty. kissing his face.
"you did so well for me, why don't we have a bubble bath "
"daddy no mad anymore," he said sniffling
"no, daddy can never stay mad at his cutie patootie"
he nodded and waited for kenma to carry him, of which he did. carrying him to the bathroom, setting him down on the toilet while starting a bath.
"my little angel I'm so sorry"
"is oki daddy"
he nodded and picked up the five-year-old and set him in the bath, taking off the shirt he was wearing. letting him play around.
"baba, can we go to park?"
"tomorrow we can my tangerine"

so sorry it was short but I hope it was good. it's a bit hard to write bratty littles since I'm a more timid and shy little.


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