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"Three-horn are you there?"

I felt my tail twist inward, caressing my scales as every known fiber within me slowly surged back to life. Mostly it was upon the mentioning of my foreclosed name, and not the realization that I was walking in a daydream. And although I was called for out there, my mind began to swirl inside with wonder. It was odd to get used to it, being called by your species name rather than who you truly are, and though I was now fond of it I felt bothered inside. Just the term, three-horn, sent a shiver down my back. Every species craved it's blood and yet feared it. It didn't sound fulfilling, let alone positive in any way. And despite trying my best to act calm and collective, I felt that it wouldn't make a difference to begin with. All I wished for was some type of identity rather than this foul regard that's so frowned upon by everyone.

All the more reason my history had to be found again.

"Hey, Three-horn."


I twitched my tail again, looking upward at Rumble's circular face, the massive long-neck's body pacing slowly beside me. He had the kind of light his mate carried - considerate and honorable to each and every species, and while he was a male bull who had a frisky intention and joy deep down he was also quite keen to life. Even those who stood no chance against his mighty size.

"I was asking about that weird dream story of yours, but you dazed off a bit. Is...something wrong?"

I scoffed a bit, shaking my frilled head back in response, "No, nothing's wrong. I'm just lost at the moment. My apologies if I left you astray."

"Oh, you don't need to do that, I was just curious that's all," Grunted Rumble, "Thyrah's much more of a talker than I am. I'm still getting used to connecting and whatnot, let alone to other species. I still wonder how she does it."

"Kind of how you're doing it now with me. Just talk I guess."

Rumble huffed with amusement and bobbed his head, "I can't argue with that. So, what's on your mind?"

I swallowed hard curling in my claws at each passing step and sighed, "Everything really."

"Everything? That's a lot to take in!"

"Of course it is!" I snorted back, puffing out steam, "That's probably why I'm struggling so much. And, why I can't seem to move on. Wrecker's gone...the valley's dreams make no sense and now I'm about to meet someone who can uncover my memories."

"Well," Rumble thought for a moment, "Isn't that a good thing? Don't you want to know?"

"Well, yes," Came my unsure response, "I do want to know. And yet I...I don't, or rather I'm scared to find out the truth."

"Fear's keeping you at bay, my friend," He grunted, "Why let it control you if you fought so hard to defy it?"

"I'm not! Well...for the most part."

"Sounds more like you are," Rumble chortled with a grin, "I mean there's nothing wrong with being afraid, but at some point you have to fight it. You're the king of your own body, not the monster that reeks it or the blood that fills it."

"I understand..." I sighed, flaring my nostrils, "I guess I'm more nervous than in that area."

"Agreed. It's been a while, hasn't it? Seeking something that may define everything is quite hard to wait for."

"Indeed," I smiled back, feeling my heart beginning to twist inward, "I just wish Wrecker was here to see it."

"I think he is," said Rumble, "You just have to let him in. Oh! Hold on-"

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