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When I try to contact Koya, there's no signal of her. 'I think you should rescue our purple princess.' I hear Valek saying through the commlink. 'Tarko, Tezhu and I will deal with the Imperials in the warehouse and get the stuff, Dran will provide us with a vehicle. You must get to the detention area and get Koya out of there. I don't want my head hanging on Trewhrebrakk's wall.' 'Do you know where the detention area is, Dubby?' 'Yes, sir. I will guide you.' At the entrance of the cells stand two soldiers. 'I've never seen that type of trooper.' Dubby scans them and informs: 'Those are Imperial Prison Troopers.' I see that they both got staffs in their right-hand. 'That's not going to be so difficult.' I run towards them, but immediately regret. I get a staff against my chin and one in my stomach. When one of the troopers wants to hit me again, I close my eyes and wait for the hit to come. Then I hear a sound of metal on metal. I open my eyes and see that Dubby stops the staff in mid-air and takes it out of the hands of the trooper. I grab the man by his neck and drop him on the floor. We fight for a while, but after a couple of seconds, I hit the soldier on his head and he directly weakens his grip. 'Imp down.' Dubby starts fighting with the other trooper. The electrostaffs clash against each other. I take my blaster out of my holster and shoot the jailer. We take the staffs with us and open the door. When we are at the cell where Koya is held captive, opens Dubby the door. Koya gets up from her bed and hisses: 'Finally. Now let's get my things.'

While walking to the room where Koya's things are stored, four more Prison Troopers cross our path. Koya grabs two of her throwing knives out of her pockets and directly kills two of the soldiers. Then she takes her vibroblades out, runs to one of the remaining jailers and starts to fight with him. I walk towards the other Prison Trooper and we begin to fight as well. 'Go to the hanger to help Dran!' I shout to Dubby. He runs away to assist our cook. I hear the vibroblades screech against the metal of the electrostaff. In the corner of my eye I see that Koya slides under the trooper and tries to stab him in the back, but the jailer acts very fast and jukes the action. I put my staff against the throat of my enemy and push as hard as I can. His body drops to the floor. When I look at Koya and the last Prison Trooper, I see that Koya's blades slide over the floor. 'Koya, catch!' I throw my staff, Koya catches it and she electrocutes her opponent. 'Thanks.' We run through the corridors to the hangar. I hear shooting. When the doors open in front of me, the hangar is full of chaos. Dran and Dubby are hiding behind a couple of speederbikes. About ten Stormtroopers block the exit. 'Those Bucketheads are standing i the way of our money!' Dran shouts. 'Get them out of there!' I look around the hanger. It's not difficult to notice the Recon Transport. 'Just hop in and move! We'll cover you!' Dran, Dubby and Parrot hop into the vehicle. 'Well, I don't like that thing. I rather have a speeder.' Says Koya while she jumps onto a swoop. 'Me too.' 'Go, go, go!' As Dran moves out of the hanger, the troopers standing at the exit jump away to the side. When we are out of the building, Koya throws a knife at the controlpanel and the door drops down...

While outside, I notice it's snowing. 'We're coming, captain!' 'Finally, we were getting bored.' Responds Valek. I know he's lying, because I can hear the shots coming from the warehouse. When we arrive, there is still a lot of fighting going on. Tarko runs up to me and asks: 'What took you so long?!' I grin and say: 'I couldn't find a swoop I really liked.' I jump off my swoopbike and cover Dran coming out of the transport. He, together with Tezhu, loads the cargo onto the vehicle. After a few minutes, the cargo is fully loaded. 'We're ready to go!' We all hop into the transport or onto our swoopbikes. Behind us, the Imperial jump into their Recon Transports. Some troopers get on speederbikes, which are stored in the warehouse. We hover out of the building. 'We're being chased!' 

Dran leans through the window and starts to snipe, but when the chasers come closer, he gets back onto his seat. I grab my blaster and get shooting. I hit a couple of troopers on speederbikes. Koya hovers next to the ITT and sticks an explosive on it. She tries to get away, but her swoop gets damaged by a shot from one of the Stormtroopers and she gets slowed down. 'Go!' she shouts to me. An enormous explosion occurs. I see Koya's speederbike getting out of control and she flies against a wall of ice and snow, resulting in a blast and a huge wave of fire. 'Koya is down, we have to save her!' I scream through the commlink. 'We can't, Torrin. We can't.' Valek says sadly. I look behind me to the place where Koya crashed, but I don't have much time to think if she is still or not, because from my left a speederbike with two troopers on it attacks me. I am so furious and sad, I don't even think  about myself anymore. 'This one's for Koya.' I shoot the Imps down and jump onto their speederbike.

I move towards the remaining Troop Transport, get my electrostaff from my bakc and hit the pilot with it. He drops to the floor unconsious and the vehicle is getting out of control. The chief and a bunch of troopers climb out of the ITT, which is moving towards our escape-transport very fast where Tarko climbs onto the roof at the same time. All the Imperials jump from their ITT. The chief, together with three Stormtroopers, succeeds to jump onto our transport, where Tarko is just standing up and grabbing his staff. The Imperials take their weapons, but when I see that, I shoot them right before they can kill Tarko. The three troopers fall of the transport, but I just miss the chief and shoot the blaster out of his hand. When I try to shoot him again, I don't have any ammunition left. Now, Tarko takes his chance and rushes towards the chief. On his part, the chief jukes the attack and Tarko nearly falls of the vehicle. The chief takes Tarko's staff to eliminate Tarko, but then I suddenly feel an object in my pocket. I take it out and I surprisingly see one of Koya's throwingknifes. I throw it at the Imperial Chief and say: 'This is for Koya.' Seeing the knife, the chief looks scared, but is to late to react and the knife hits him in the stomach. Tarko gets up and kicks the chief off of the transport. 'Imperial filth.' When we get to the ship, we're al silent. We load the cargo onto the ship and get in.

WYVERN'S JOURNAL: A STAR WARS FANFICTIONWhere stories live. Discover now