chapter 18

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I wake up and see there is no one around so I take a Bobby pin out of my hair and pick the hand cuffs open. I reach into my bra and take out my phone. I quickly look through my phone and call Gibbs, just as press call I hear footsteps, I let the phone ring and stuff it back in my bra putting the handcuffs back on.

"Jack, why are you doing this please just let me go" I say.
I hear a laugh then i see crutches.
"Oh Ellie you wish i were jack"


I hear my phone ring and I see its Bishops number.
"Oh Ellie you wish i were jack" I hear the voice say on the other side of the phone.
McGee comes running in.
"Track it, Now"
"On it Boss".

"It's coming from a warehouse on the other side of town"
"Alright gear up"
We all rush into our cars, including nick.
We are about 10 minutes into the drive listening to Bishops phone.

It sounds familiar, like Someone I know. I can see the fury on Nick's face while listening in on the call. We hear some smack noises and the a loud bang.
"What was that?" McGee snaps.
"GET UP!" we here from the other side of the phone.

I knew who it as the moment I heard his voice. I though he was dead, I seen his body lay still on that stretcher. All these thoughts running through my head. When I feel a hand on my shoulder. Its cold, it sends a shiver down my spine.

Suddenly I feel a hard smack across my face that slaps me back to reality. I hit the ground and look up.
"I thought you were dead?!"
"How, why are you doing this Jake"
"Because I still love you Ellie, when I found out you were going under cover for that investigation i knew it was my chance to get you back and now that I have you, you have no where to go".

⚠️trigger warning⚠️

He places his hand on my cheek and leans in to kiss me. I turn my head
"I don't love you jake, and never will"
He slides his hands down from my face onto my chest.
"I love you ellie"
"Get off of me!"
His hands move further down towards my thighs. He reaches for my zipper on my trousers, I quickly pull my hands out the the handcuffs and push him off of me.
My heart racing as I try run. He grabs my arm, I try to pull him off but he's too strong. He pushes me to the ground and sits on top of me.
I use my feet to kick him off and stand up as quickly as I could.

A wave of dizziness washes over me since I hit my head on the concrete ground, I keep running until jasmine steps in front of me.
"Please let me go, please"
At his point the world is spinning and I can make out a figure coming towards me.
"Stay away from me!" I yell trying to break free of jasmine grip.

Jake grabs my arms and I try break free. I'm crying, screaming, punching nothing is working. My vision starts to come back when I see Jack standing beside me. I get a glance of his pocket,  a gun. I break free of one arm and grab the gun.

"Woah calm down"
"GET BACK" I say bearly being able to see because by eyes are so glaced over.
I see him coming closer to me so I shoot him in the leg. He drops to the round and I run away towards a dirt road.

I hear footsteps catching up with me and a car coming towards me.
"ELLIE COME ON LETS JUST TALK THIS OUT" I hear from the car so I shoot he drivers side window.
The car stops and I run as quickly as I can towards the city. I see another can and my heart starts racing.
"Ellie, its ok, it's me"
I fall to the ground in tears.
"I think I killed him" i say running into Nick's arms.
"Its ok, its ok"


I see Ellie running towards the car, all beaten up, blood running down the side of her head.
"Stop the car!" I say jumping out of the car not giving Gibbs the chance to stop.

Ellie looks terrified i can see the fear in her eyes. She's a strong woman something must have happend.
"Who was it?" I ask.
"It was jake, I think i killed him, jack and jasmine were with him but I just ran away"
She is gripping onto my jacket with her head in my chest.
"Nick he tried to rape me" she whisper sobs into my chest. I hug as tight as I can without hurting her.

I hear the car doors shut and gibbs runs up the hill Bishop ran down with mcgee by her side.
"Torres get her in the car" mcgee yells down to me.

After around 10 mins I see them walking down the hill, gibbs on the phone.
"Well bishop you killed him, shot him straight in the middle of the head,  I got the cameras from the 3 poles lets just hope they work." McGee says as him and Gibbs get into to car.

About 20 mins into the drive Ellie is sound asleep on my shoulder. I can see Gibbs looking at her through the mirrors. I can tell he was worried about her, and still is.  I take off my ncis jacket and put it around her to keep her warm until we get to the hospital.

{Time skip after the hospital}

Everything's fine other than a concussion. I take her home to my apartment and show her to my room.
"Thank you nick" she says sitting down on the bed.
"Always" I say sitting down beside her.
"Nick, can I tell you. Something"
"Of cource"
She goes to speak but words don't come out of her mouth.
"You know in movies where they dont know what to say so they just kiss?"
"Uhh yeah"
"I think this is one of those moments"
Ellie says leaning in to kiss me.

I hold her cheeks and kiss her until we had to stop to take a breath.
"I love you"
"I love you too"

I'm really sorry  for the long wait. I got caught up with school and everything but I think there will only be a few chapters to go thank you all so much for the votes and comments love you all 💖💖

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