chapter 7

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Its been a week since bishop got out of hospital and we still haven't got in contact with jake. I'm starting to get a little stressed, I want justice for bishop, she didnt deserve this.

McGee walks into the squad room.
"Hey boss"
"Hey mcgee"
"Ok, so i done some research at home and I may have found jake."
"What!? Where?"
"Come look"

"Today is my first day back at work and I'm so excited,
Well I'm not allowed do fails work for a week but that's fine..." Ellie says to her mom.
"Well hun, let's just hope they find jake"
"WE will mom:
"Ok, bye honey"


I get a call from McGee
"We got a lead!"
"Ok ill be there as fast as I can"

I arrive and head straight for the squad room.
McGee and Gibbs are both grouped  around  a computer.
When gibbs calls out his most famous line... grab your gear.

I grab my gun from my drawer and run out the door, McGee grasp his gun and computer and Gibbs grabs his phone and gun. On my way out i see Ellie walk in
"Hey Elle"
She looked happy to be back.


I walk in and they are already out on a case. I think to myself
'They Will probably tell me what happening later'
Anyway I sit at my desk when my phone rings.  No caller ID..
'It must be my mom trying to work her phone again'  i think to myself again.
"Mom I told you you have to change the settings to tur-"
"Eleanor Bishop?"
"Umm yeah?"
"Hey this is Megan erm I just wanted to say i hope your ok I heard you were just out of hospital"
"Oh hi, erm yeah im fine thanks, im actualy in work at the moment so talk later?
"Sure no problem"

"Who was that?" Asks slone with a smile.
"Just an old friend"
"How are you Ellie?"
"I'm feeling 100% better already" I say with a smile.

"Great!" Slone walks off with a smile.


We are on our way to find jake when the red light disappears. 
"Where Did it go?" Gibbs yells.
"I dont know I'll try get it back".

We sat there for half an hour trying to get it back but nothing was working. It was gone, we let him get away...
We are on our way back to the squad room and the car is silent.
"Guys its ok we can allways try again, let's not loose hope" Nick says.

We get back to the squadron and see Ellie on her computer

"Where where you guys?" She asks.
"we got prank call" Nick says.
"Oh... hate that" Ellie laughs

I see in gibbs face that he is annoyed, we all are but nick is 100% sure we will find him, Its just a matter of time...

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