Chapter 19

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I walk into work at 7:47 am, its quiet and empty. McGee is usually here at 8:00 so it won't be long until he gets here.

I start looking up things that girls like but all that came up was chocolate. I decided that's what I would get Ellie. Chocolate and even more chocolate.

At around 9:25 Gibbs walks in and stops in his tracks. I can tell there is something wrong.
"Gibbs, everything ok?"
"Yeah, we got a body, grab your gear"

As we are about to walk out McGee walks up to me and asks.
"You notice that too?"
"Yeah, weird right?"

Just then Gibbs turns around.
"Come on!"
Me and McGee look at each other and just walk straight into the lift.


We get to the chrome scene and Sloane is doing bishops job, taking pictures.
"Uhh gibbs come over here" she says.
Gibbs walks over and there is a black book on the ground.

I walk over and there is a gun on the ground.
"Murder weapon?" Sloane asks
"Maybe, Jimmy what you got?"

"Well he was definitely shot, looks like signs of struggle, I can get the bullet out back at autopsy"

Suddenly I see Nick face go pale
"What's wrong"
"Its the hospital" Nick says looking down at his phone.
"Go!" Gibbs yells from the other side of the road.
"Thank You"


I rush to the hospital and run straight to where they told me to go.
"Yeah what's wrong, What happened?
"We have some great news"
"What is it?"
"She's awake"
My face lit up, I was so happy. I walk calmly into the hospital room where i see Ellie lying in the bed.

"How long was i out, what happened?"
"You were out for 3 weeks, we got into a car accident"
"Wait what?"
"We don't know who did it, they fled the scene, the car was tolled"
"Wait pass me my phone"

I pick up her phone and hand it to her. She quickly puts in the password and scans through her phone.

"It was Jake, look"
Ellie whips her phone around and hands it to me.
"Wait, you took a photo of him, just before the accident, how did you remember?"
"I had this crazy dream, well nightmare about us going undercover, me being kidnapped by jake and a lot of other stuff, it was scary but I remember, me in the passenger seat, I seen his face after he poisoned me, he, he seen me take the picture"

I see her eyes start to tear up.
"I, I promise I didn't mean for him to see me, I didn't mean for him to crash into us, I,I, it's all my fault I should have taken the stupid picture"

"Hey, Hey Ellie, Its not your fault, none of this is your fault"
I walk and sit on her bed.
"I'm so sorry"
She cries.

"I grab her and hold her into my chest as she cries. My heart breaks, I love this girl so much I hate seeing her like this.

She pulls back after a bit of time and her face is red and puffy. I look down at her.
She nods.

After about 20 mins she falls back asleep. I sit in the chair beside her bed and start to drift off.

The car crash starts playing in my head like it has been for the past 3 weeks. Every detail


I look over at Ellie and I see the big jeep coming towards our car. I try to reverse my car but I'm to late. The next minute I wake up and see that the car is upside down. I crawl out of the car, the world Is spinning. A man comes up to me and brings me over to the pavement.
"Ellie!" I yell
"She's going to be ok 911 are on their way" the man says.
A few minutes go by and ambulance, fire brigades and police show up I see them all run towards the car. One runs up to me.
"I'm fine, I have to save her" I try to run towards her but the paramedic stops me.
"Hey, let's worry about you right now"
"No, I have to save her" I feel my face getting hot and my eyes get blurred from my tears.

They check me out but the whole time my eyes are on the car. I see Gibbs' car pull up and he flashes his badge and him and McGee run towards me.
"What happened"
"A car ran into us, on her side, I tried to reverse, I wasn't quick enough, I couldn't save her" I cry.

Gibbs pulls me into a hug and as he does I look over his shoulder. I see them pull Ellie out of the car.

"No pulse, starting compressions"
I hear one of the paramedics yell from the distance.

"NO, ELLIE!" I drop to the ground
"No" I cry.
Gibbs stands above me while I'm on the ground crying.

I see her chest jolt up as she is being shocked back to life.
"STOP, I'VE GOT A PULSE!" The female paramedic yells.
I cough out sighs of relief. I run to her and I grab her hand.
"Its ok, I'm here" I cry.
I hop in the back of the ambulance with her and we head to the hospital.

I jolt awake, I'm covered in cold sweat. Out of breath and tears running down my face. I'm in pure panic. I look over at her bed and see her sound asleep. She's so peaceful, and beautiful.

I wish I had the courage to tell her how I felt.

My thought were interrupted by McGee  and delilah walking into the room.
"Nick how long have you been here?" McGee asks.
"Since I got the phone call this morning".
"Nick its 9:00 Am tuesday you have been here since yesterday".
"Oh,that long I, I must have dosed off"
"Boss said you could take the day off"

Just as McGee said that Ellie starts to wake up.
"Oh, hi McGee, Delilah, what are you doing here?"
"We came to see you of course!" Delilah says with a smile.

Just as Ellie and Delilah finished their goodbyes the nurse walks in.
"Great news! Everything looks good, your in for over night observation and then your good to go home!"
"That's Great thank you" Ellie says
"Oh Tim, here" I say sending him the pictures of jake before the accident.
"Ellie managed to take these just before he drove into us"
"I'm gonna kill him!" Tim says running out with Delilah.


So sorry for the long wait thank you for your patience♡

Why..Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon