Music-part 2

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"SOPHIE QUICK, SEND VERDI SOME CALMING THOUGHTS," Grady yelled, from where he was covered in feathers and dirt. 

Sophie responded quickly, sending Verdi a calming view of a beautiful lake. Silveny had sent her this exact picture just a few nights before, when Sophie was having trouble sleeping. It was honestly one of Sophie's favorite calming pictures, with the tall mountains in the background, and the swirls of purple and blue through the night sky. 

The memory worked almost instantly, and Verdi calmed down, nearly falling asleep. 

"Nice job Foster," Keefe smirked, feather's dusting his clothes.

"Thanks Keefe," Sophie blushed. Even though Keefe gave her compliments all the time, this one just seemed to hit her different. Kind of like the night they were riding Silveny, and Keefe got really close to her. 

It's probably just the heat outside,  Sophie decided, ignoring that her blush burned differently. 


Throughout washing Verdi, Sophie kept sending her calming memories and thoughts to make sure she didn't stir too much. This ended up being very helpful for Grady and Keefe, who were trying to wash Verdi as quickly as they could. Sophie eventually jumped in, washing all the dirt off of the T-Rex's feathers, occasionally stopping to send more calming scenery into her mind.  

Between the three of them, Verdi's bath was done within 15 minutes, a new record, but it's not like anyone was keeping track. 

"Ok you two, no funny business. I'm going to go clean up," Grady said, giving Sophie and Keefe a look that could make a Flaradon cower in fear.  

"Well, I have all day Foster, so what do you want to do," Keefe responded.

"I don't know," She responded honestly. 

"Well, make sure that you come up with something soon. Time with the one and only Keefester needs to be spent wisely," He smirked, striking a pose. 

"I need to work on my homework and stuff with the Neverseen. So I would understand if you didn't want to do that with me, but ya know, you can help me if you want. I feel like I am almost have a lead on the Neverseen, and I want to work on it as hard as I can, before it just becomes some other dead end. Because we can't keep loosing, pretty much all life ever is at risk right now! I have the potential power to change that, and if I can then I want to and I will. I wan't all of my friends to be happy, even if it means no sleep for me! And-" Sophie ranted.

"I've always liked that about you," Keefe interrupted. An unidentified emotion filling his eyes. 

"W-what," Sophie responded, freezing in her place.

"Well, come to think of it, I've always liked everything about you. Inside and out, but that's not the point. I've always liked that you think about other people, even when it's bad for you. Except for of course, that it may not be that beneficial to your health," 

"W-what," Sophie said again. 

"Oh, how oblivious can you be!" Sandor whispered under his breath, rolling his eyes. 

"Sandor, what did you say?" Sophie asked, wanting to confirm what she thought she heard.

"You know well what I said," Sandor responded, rolling his eyes once again. 

"I don't know what it means though," She responded, still visibly confused. 

"What the boy is trying to say, is that he like's you," Bo said, wanting the conversation to end already. 

Sophie took a step back. This little piece of information made her world spin like crazy. How could Keefe like her? Were all those little jokes he threw around, were they flirting? Didn't he flirt with other people too? 

"Woah Foster, take a chill pill. I hate to break it to ya, but this information really isn't that new," Keefe said, trying to be ready in case Sophie were to fall. 

"How didn't I know?" She said, mostly to herself. 

"That goes beyond all of us," Ro said, gesturing to everybody around her. 

"Well. Um. Ok. I...I'm just going to think about this for a minute," Sophie started to pace. 

There was an awkward pause, before Keefe started to talk. 

"I would understand if you don't like me back," He said, trying not to rely on his Empathy too much, "Fitz is much better. He's perfect, he's got the best family, the best house, the best everything. And the only thing I have on him is my hair. Which is VERY awesome. But that's it. The rest of me is broken. I don't have a perfect family, perfect grades, I don't have perfect anything. Which makes you and Fitz the perfect match. You're both perfect. So, when you get married, and have a whole bunch of Fitzphie babies running around, it will all be perfect. And most importantly, you'll be happy. And because of that, so will I. Even if it hurts a little at first, I know it will be so worth it for you in the end," Keefe stopped. Tears wanting to flow from his eyes. 

"I don't like Fitz anymore," Sophie said, walking up to Keefe and wrapping her arms around his waist. After Keefe had confessed, she had realized how much she liked him. Before now, she just liked him subconsciously, because she was blinded by Fitz. 

"But, what about the emotions that I get from you every single time he's around?" Keefe asked puzzled. 

"Are you sure they're not for someone else?" Sophie asked. Lowering he voice for only the two of them to hear. 

Now that he thought about it, Keefe had recently felt some strange emotions from Sophie, ones that he told himself not to get hopeful about. Ones that he was so used to ignoring, to a point that they didn't mean anything. 

"Well, now that I think about it Foster, maybe they were for someone else. Mind telling me who?" Keefe smirked, finally returning the hug. 

"Tam." She replied, trying to hold in her laugh.

"Very funny. Now tell me who it really is," Keefe said, rolling his eyes.

"I think you know the answer to that question already," Sophie whispered. 

"Maybe I do, but I want you to confirm my beliefs," Keefe smirked, resting his head on top of Sophies. 

"Well, if you must know, the answer is you." Sophie said. 


Thank you @Evelyn_Esher for the idea, I'm pretty sure it's not exactly what you asked for, but I thought that this idea, kind of addressed what your request was. I hope all of you guys like this oneshot though!

Also, if you either do or don't want to be mentioned, let me know. I am new to writing fanfics, and I'm not sure if I should mention people or not. I know that it's respectful and all, but I don't want to make anybody uncomfortable because I mentioned them. I guess, if you have ideas, let me know if you want to be mentioned or not.

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