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2 years. 

Keefe had been gone for two years. And the whole time he was, Sophie was lost. She didn't know why exactly, but she knew that without Keefe, she felt broken. Like part of her had been taken away.

She had hardly left her room, hardly eaten, hardly slept. But none of that pain even compared to losing Keefe. 

"Hey sweetheart, someone is here to see you," Edaline said softly, walking into her room. 

Sophie rolled her eyes, all her other friends had come by to check on her, and she was tired of their pity and sadness.

"I think you'll be really happy to see this person," Edaline added.

Sophie looked up from the book she had been reading, catching interest in what Edaline had said. 

Sophie then put her hair in a messy bun, and followed Edaline out the door. Naturally they walked down the stairs, but they didn't stop there, Edaline led Sophie outside to Calla's panakes tree. 

"Close your eyes," Edaline said, grabbing Sophie's shoulders, "This person wants it to be a surprise," 

Sophie was still puzzled. Why would any of her friends want to surprise her. The only friend that would do anything like that had been missing for 2 years, and if he had wanted to come back, he probably would have done it sooner. 

"Did you miss me Foster?" A deep voice said in front of her.

Sophie's eyes snapped open. She must have been dreaming. Keefe was standing right in front of her. She couldn't help herself, she ran right into his arms, starting to sob.

"Why are you crying?" Keefe asked, sounding like he was holding tears of his own. 

"I missed you so much, while you were gone, if felt like part of me was missing, and the feeling was so horrible. At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if I was hallucinating," Sophie sobbed. 

"If I were a hallucination, do you think Edaline would have taken you out here?" Keefe said, sadness in his voice. 

"She could have been part of the hallucination," Sophie said, continuing to ruin Keefe's shoulders with tears. 

Or his fake shoulder, her mind convinced her, as she took a few steps back.

"Well because you'r probably a hallucination, I can do what ever I want. The real Keefe is probably dead!" Sophie laughed hysterically. 

"Sophie, I am the real Keefe," Keefe responded, pain fillinf his eyes. Sophie stopped laughing. When he called her by her first name, she knew he was serious. And even if this Keefe was a hallucination, she was going to enjoy him as much as she could. 

"Then prove it," Sophie challenged. 

"Fine," Keefe said pulling a yellow notebook out of a hidden pocket," This is the journal I never showed you, because I told you it was private. Remember?" 

"Yes," Sophie responded, looking skeptical. 

"Well, take a look at what is inside. But before you do, tell me what you think," Keefe said.

"I don't know, bad drawings, memories that you don't want me to see," Sophie said honestly.

"Well close, but think again," Keefe said handing her the notebook.

Inside, there were beautiful drawings, some of memories, some of them were just drawings. They all had one thing in common though. Each drawing had Sophie somewhere in it, and she was beautiful. Somehow, Keefe had managed to make her impossibly beautiful in each and every drawing.

"This is honestly not what I was expecting," Sophie said, looking up, "But I do have a question, why am I so pretty in each drawing. There is absolutely no way I'm that pretty in real life," 

"Well, I think that you are that gorgeous in real life, wait, no, actually more," Keefe responded. 

Sophie searched his features, for anything that said he was teasing, but all she found was honesty, and an emotion that she could not decipher. All she could say about that emotion, was that it was soft, warm, and it made her feel fuzzy inside.

Which caused her to take the next move. 

Sophie, slowly walked up to Keefe, wrapped her arms around his neck, and started to lean in. About 2 seconds after that, was when their lips finally met. 

Fear and regret rushed through Sophie, as she started to pull back. Keefe didn't return the kiss, and she had just humiliated herself in front of him, but before she could turn away completly, Keefe cupped her cheek, and pulled her back to him. Kissing her again.

Sophie smiled in the kiss, feeling overjoyed that Keefe had kissed her back. Little did she know, that Keefe was enjoying the moment as much as she was.

Their kiss lasted a good 10 seconds, before both of them disconnected their lips, however still not leaving the embrace. 

"You just kissed me," Keefe said, happiness evident in his voice.

"And you kissed back," Sophie said, matching his level of happiness before leaning in to kiss him again, except they were rudely interrupted. 

"Well Blondie, I'm glad you finally found out who you liked, but Hunkyhair has some other people he needs to see," Ro said from her spot under the tree, causing the couple to jump apart. 

"How long have you been here?" Keefe asked blushing.

"Long enough," Ro responded, admiring her nails, that had been painted bright purple.

"Well Foster, it seems your knight in shining armor has to leave. May we meet again," Keefe smirked kissing Sophie's hand.

"Bye Keefe. Oh, and by the way, I'm really glad your home," Sophie blushed.

"Me to Foster, me to," Keefe agreed before walking over to Ro, and pulling out his leaping crystal. 


I know I haven't updated in a long time, but I'm going to try and update more frequently. 

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