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I know that I haven't posted in a while, but I wanted to thank you all for reading this story! Also have a merry Christmas, or whatever you may celebrate.

Also I will probably posts a part two sometime soon.


Today was Christmas Eve and a huge surprise waited for Sophie on the inside of Havenfield. All of her friends had come together so they could surprise her with one of her human traditions. Christmas. It was December 24th, and even though Sophie remembered, she didn't want to say anything. 

Christmas was always her favorite holiday when she was back in the human world, but now she had the Neverseen to worry about. If a silly little holiday got in the way of her and defeating the Neverseen, she would never forgive herself. So she needed to continue her studies and make sure that the Neverseen were gone before she thought about anything like Christmas.

It was snowing outside, and Sophie had been enjoying herself under Calla's panakes tree, watching the snow fall. So she didn't notice when all of her friends gradually started to appear outside of the mansion that she called home. 

Sophie had actually started to doze off. She was snuggled into Silveny's side, with Greyfel, Winn, and Luna surrounding her. The alicorns had come to visit her today, and Sophie was not disappointed. 

She was about to fall asleep, when a loud crash from inside the house startled her. Her eyes snapped open, ready for action. When she saw nothing, she started to run up to the house. It could be the Neverseen, and Grady and Edaline were inside. Sophie got into a fighting stance before bursting through the door. 

When she saw what was inside, she was really impressed. It wasn't the Neverseen. That was for sure. Bright lights decorated the stair case, a Christmas tree was set up in the corner of the room, and the smell of gingerbread wafted through the house. 

It made Sophie tear up. Her friends and parents had taken their time, to set this up. Her favorite holiday had now come to her, and she was so happy.

"Foster, don't cry! You'r supposed to be happy!" Keefe said as he wrapped her in a hug. 

"K-Keefe, y-you know w-why I'm c-crying," Sophie sniffled. 

"I was just teasing," Keefe said smirking. 

"Sophie! Linh, Marela, and I have our own surprise for you!" Biana screamed running up to Sophie, "Come on! Lets go up to your room!" Biana giggled dragging Sophie up to her room. 

"Biana!" Sophie screamed, and Sophie stumbled up the stairs after her.

"Linh, you do make-up, Marela, you do hair, and I'll find her a dress!" Biana yelled. Oh no, a makeover. Sophie wasn't really sure if that was the surprise at first, but after Biana said that, she was certain. 

Over the years, Sophie had grown more used to the makeovers, she possibly had come to enjoy them. Biana always made Sophie look beautiful when she gave her a makeover. So, Sophie was always excited to see what she looked like after Biana was done. 

After about half an hour, Linh stepped away, looking at her makeup job. 

"Perfect," She whispered to herself.

"Can I see?" Sophie asked.

"No, not yet," Linh said in a fake mean voice, "You must wait for the final product for it to be a surprise," 

"Ok," Sophie responded, getting anxious. 

About 10 minutes later, Marela stepped away as well observing Sophie's hair. 

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