The Interview

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Narrator: So as the interview ensued Haru asked a very odd question.

Haru: So Tsuki you have passed almost all the requirements for this job but now I have some more personal questions *smirk*

Tsuki: *hides his face with hair and blushing and looks away* O-oh? w-what type of questions?

Haru: So, are you in any relationships?

Tsuki: No sir i'm totally available. I-I mean...

Haru: *chuckle* It's fine Tsuki. Lets move on. So have you ever been in a relationship?

Tsuki: I have been in one but I wouldn't count it as a relationship cause it was one sided. But I was in Grade school so I don't count it.

Haru: Hey Tsuki it seems like it kinda was. why don't you tell me I took the whole day for you so why don't you tell me. *leans closer*

Tsuki: *In brain h-he took the whole day out just for me?* *blush*

Haru: Tsuki?

Tsuki: O-oh yes um. Well it was a long time ago.........

Narrator: HELLLOOOOO!!! i'm so glad to be back HAPPY NEW YEAR!!. I'm so sorry for my super long break i'm just needed one cause i've been super stressed out recently and I didn't want to stop writing but it was the best for the time being but I am back now and will be uploading regularly. Sorry for super short chapter I'm just getting back to the swing of things. I luv you guys<3

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