Saving Haru

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Narrator: The Chase the was on it was Tsuki vs the Wolf. Who would get to Haru first? Only fate knows.

Haru: *in brain* Oh my god i dont wanna die, i dont wanna die. *crys* i have lived my full life yet, i haven't got a lover. Oh my god i should've just waited or given uo on the wolf. Maybe it wasn't to be. Maybe...


Haru: it found me.

Wolf: *snarls* in wolf translation.
You'll make a great snack for my pack with how skinny you are hehe.

*gets closer and pounces but Tsuki blocks him*

Tsuki: *in wolf language* he's mine i've claimed him. DO NOT DARE TO TOUCH HIM AGAIN.

Wolf: hehe who do you think you are you're basically a pup. You would dare fight a full grown wolf. Look at you can can't even control you're wolf powers yet.

Tsuki: i'm not a pup. And i'm learning i'll get the hang of it and when I do i'll get rid of people like you trying to hurt innocent humans.

Wolf: haha thats rich. You'll never get rid of me and my pack we're never ending.

Tsuki: Dont worry *eyes go red* i'll find away. But LEAVE HIM ALONE HE'S MINE.

Wolf: Not without a fight.

*growls and Snarls*

Tsuki: So we're doing this? Huh?

Wolf: Hell yeah but he'll be mine by the end.

Tsuki: To bad he's already mine.

Wolf and Tsuki: Ahhhh *fight*

Haru: *gasp* please live beautiful bluish wolf.

Narrator: And so Tsuki and the Wolf are fighting for Haru one wants to keep him alive and the other wants him as dinner  who will succeed in the fight of dominace over Haru?

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