New Employee

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Narrator: After really weird night. Haru wakes up very grogly but his wound is bandaged up. He however can't remember anything not even the strange man that helped him home.

Haru: Ugh my head. Wh-what happend? ah i reamember the wolf but I don't remember how i got home. Meh it probably doesn't matter it's fine. Oh sh#%t i'm late.

*runs to office*

Haru: oh my god Aiko I am so so so sorry for being so late. *bows*

Aiko: don't apologize to me apologize to the cute guy thats been waiting to meet with you for 30mins!

Haru: sh-i forgot i was interviewing someone today. I gotta go I'll talk to you later.

Aiko: b-bye.

Haru: Hello sir I deeply apologize for being late I over slept and-ah!

*Haru and the mystery man meet each others eyes*

Tsuki: hello. Don't apologize it's perfectly normal even a boss can't be perfect all the time. Right? *soft smile*

Haru: *blushes and hides face with his hair* right! Of course. But I Promise it wont happen again.

*pulls himself together* and sits*
Now then lets starts the interview.

Tsuki: of course sir.

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