The Interaction

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Narrator: And so Haru went off into the woods on a windy full moon night lets see what happens next. 

Haru: Ok I'm going to find this gorgeous wolf and befriend it. But first I have to make sure I don't lose any limbs. 

*menwhile at Tsukis home* 

Tsuki: *sigh* I wish I could've gone with him. No It's better this way. He can't find out i'm a wolf and its hard for me to control my wolf side as it is. Most of all,  I don't want to hurt him again. 

Haru: its so boring by myself. I know! let me call Tsuki. Wait he's doing homework. Its ok i'll be done soon. I'm close to the wolf I know it! 

Tsuki: I wonder how Haru is doing? Maybe I should-No i can't I told him i'm studying

Haru&Tsuki: I miss him. 

Narrator: Out of no where Haru hears a low growl. 

*snarl, growl* 

Haru: W-what was that. *looks to the bushes and sees red eyes* Oh its the wolf. hey little guy i'm not here to hurt you i'm here to help you.

The Wolf: *snarl*

Haru: Wait You're not-oh no hey its ok *backs away slowly* i'm just gonna go *run*

The wolf: *runs after* 

*after 15mins of running Haru decides to hide*

Haru: Ok now i have to call Tsuki. Oh god. *dials Tsuki*

Tsuki: oh its Haru, ok ok act cool. Hello? *eyes open wide and runs to the forest in wolf form*

Narrator: What Haru said was...

Haru: *whispers* Hey tsuki its me Haru um i'm in a bit of trouble i found a wolf but it wasn't the one I thought and now its chasing me and trying to find me, I think i'm gonna die tonight p-please help me. Oh you will oh my god thank you, thank you, thank you. Whatever you want i'll give to you just please hurry i'm somwhere in the woods towards the middle. see you here. *Hangs up*  AHHHHHHHHHHH

Narrator: Will Tsuki be able to reach Haru in time? we'll find out next time. (SORRY T-T for being gone long I was dealing with somethings but I'm back and I have so much to write about and update I hope u guys are ready for what's coming ;D)

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