Chapter 14: "The Game Pt.1"
*Clarisa's POV*
Rolling my eyes, I walk towards Lexi and wrap my arms around her pulling her into a tight hug.
"Nope, nothing at all."
Rolling her eyes and groaning at me obviousness, she slowly pushed me away, walking inside of her open house.
"You are telling me. Don't think I won't force you,"
Laughing, I follow her inside, tossing my bags onto the couch and collapse into a soft tan leather armchair, smothered in delicate pillows.
As I looked back towards the kitchen, I noticed Lexi going through the fridge and pulling out drinks.
"Hey Clare? Did you want a drink?"
"Yeah. A lemonade would be great."
As I picked up the TV remote and started scrolling through the guide, Lexi left the kitchen with two cans in her hand, throwing one at me and falling into the couch. Resting her head on my bag.
Rollin my eyes I glare at her and notice a huge grin appearing on her face.
"Thanks. Now I have to wait for it to simmer down so it won't explode."
Smiling she looks up to me and rolls her eyes at my pettiness.
"You know you love me."
Smiling, I look away from her eyes and give my attention back to the TV. Muttering under my breath.
Sitting up she picks up a pillow from at her feet and throws it at my head, missing almost entirely.
"I heard that!"
Reaching down and grabbing the pillow, I throw it back at her. Causing us both to erupt in laughter.
"Glad to know you don't need hearing aids yet Lex. I was finally starting to think your body caught up with your attitude."
"Love you too!"
After an hour of talking Lexi finally brought up the dreaded topic she was waiting for.
"So, Clare.... Who was the cutie, and where can I get one?"
Shaking my head I face her, looking away from the film we were currently watching, that had finally gotten to the best part. Seeing her wink at her previous comment.
"What already given up on Aiden?"
I hoped this would get her to change the subject, but I was never sure. She's had a thing for Widen since she was 7. Although sadly Lexi is a year older than me, so she met Aiden first, because lucky for her she was in Aiden's class.Which is how we met. I had just started school and I needed friends. At least that's what he told her, but I know that's not the case. But since then, it's been Aiden this, Aiden that.
Although then again it is Aiden's fault. A few years ago, he found out and they started dating on and off. They were each other's first and to begin with it was cute. But that didn't last long.
I feel so bad for her. I mean what does she see in my brother? I mean u guess he's good looking and fit. But he must be considering he's the football captain. But he's also a complete and utter asshole who is nothing more than a player who treats almost everyone like shit.
"Just coz you asked I'll give you the inside gossip. Your brother will probably never be 2nd best to anyone but that doesn't mean I can't window shop until he realises it."
"Why do you deal with him? He us nothing but an asshole to you, who is always trying to control you, then just up and leaves when a new piece of ass is cancelled in front of him. You don't deserve that."
Looking away from me she moves her focus to the films credits that were now showing, cuddling up to the pillows and blankets now surrounding her.
"Out of everyone, I would have thought you'd understand."
"I understand. I really do. I just don't want him to hurt you more than he already has."
"Clare I'm fine. Don't worry about me. I can handle myself."
Looking back to me a slight grin started growing across her features.
Last night was defiantly necessary. Just a little girl time talking and although it wasn't everything, I needed to talk about... I felt a lot better.
I was now in the canteen line waiting to order talking to Lexi and Brooke.
"Hey, are you going to the game tonight?"
"Sorry Clare. Lexi and I can't. We have a dumb double date that I'm forcing her to go to. She really needs to get over Aiden and soon."
Walking towards the window I ordered nachos and a diet coke and walked towards the girls who had already ordered.
"But still, I'm going to miss you guys tonight. Our team is going to verse evergreen high school. I know how much you'd like to see them get beaten to a pulp Brooke.... Come on. Please cancel. you can go on a double date anyway plus if we are getting Lexi back in the dating game I want to be there."
"Fine. But you owe us!"
Lexi ran up to me jumping and squealing, now happily full of excitement.
"Thankyou! Thankyou! Thankyou! Thankyou!"
Smirking I hug her and start chuckling.
"Don't thank me. I just added an extra person to your double date."
Brooke and I started laughing as the realisation hit Lexi's face.
"... Manipulative cows..."
"Aww, thanks Lex. Love you too!"
Smiling, I playfully flip Lexi the bird and turned my attention back to the table in front of us.
Sitting down I place my food in front of me and start hastily eating, zoning out if the conversations going on around me, waiting for the bell to go.
It was now 4:30 and I had 30 mins until the game started, which would be fine except I wasn't ready yet. As I ripped through my closet looking for clothes Lexi and Brooke were downstairs annoyed at his long, I was taking.
As I finished going through my closet, I realised the only footy jumper I had was my brothers old one from last year. Which I didn't want to wear because of the number of glares and notice it would give me.Instead, I opted for a slightly over sized grey and black tye dye shirt, my favourite pair of ripped skinny jeans and my black and white converses.
As it hit 4:45 I was finally ready and running down the stairs.
After a ten-minute drive we arrived at the school, taking longer than expected to find a park.
As we entered the bleachers, situated towards the oval and sat in the front row, with only the fence separating us from the grass.
After a few minutes of catching up with Lexi and Brooke a siren covered the ground, signifying the players to come into the grass.
Of course, because it was a home game the Edgewood high senior team to enter the grass. But from where we were positioned, I couldn't see what was happening.
We were positioned at the entrance for the evergreen team. But I didn't mind. If anything, it was annoying me that Brooke's brother is on the Evergreen team, who just so happens to be the most annoying person to ever exist.
I haven't seen him since I was 13 but even then, he was insufferable. Brooke finds him annoying too and I can't say I blame her.
After a few minutes the crowd died down which meant it was time for evergreens team to enter the grass. Upfront of the crowd of people was one in particular player, but I couldn't place until he turned around and looked me straight in the eyes, showing of his toothy white playful grin, that could melt everyone's heart.
Especially mine.

In A Flash Of A Moment
Romance***Somewhat fully edited*** Clarisa feels as if she's got everything going right for her. But when her life takes a turn for the worst, it leaves her crashing to the floor. Literally. While trying to get her life back on track, she has to decide whe...