Bonus Chapter 1

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Bonus Chapter 1

***This songs Chapter is James Arthur Falling Like The Stars. Song will begin when stated in chapter ***

---Two Years Later---

Pick up Violet, I walk over to my closet, pulling out my wedding dress.

"What do you think Vi? Should mummy wear it tonight.?"

"Yes Mumma."

Smiling I place her on my bed and put my dress bag beside her zipping it up.

Sitting down on my bed beside them, I watch as Violet snuggles up into the blankets of my bed.

"How do you think daddy is doing baby? Do you think Alexander is having fun with daddy?"

Looking behind me, I find Jake and Alex, wearing the most handsome suits.


Running into Jake's arm, Alex finds himself in mine letting me smother him in kisses.

"I missed you baby."

Giggling, he started brushing off his face, stopping my kisses.

"I miss ooh Mumma."

Placing him back down on the ground, Violet started chasing after him, racing eachother around the room playfully.

Looking towards Jake, I watch as his eyes run over my body.

"We aren't supposed to see each other yet."

Putting his hands up in surrender, I watch as his eyes run over to the twins.

"I can't help it. Alex wanted his Mum almost as much as I did. How was I supposed to say no?"

Laughing, I pull Jake into my arms, hugging him.

"I love you."

Smiling back at me, he places a small kiss on my lips before walking back towards Alex picking him up.

Blowing them a kiss, I watch as they leave the room stopping at the doorway.

"Bye bye Baby."

Waving at Alex, I watch as he starts waving back giving a toothy grin.

"Bye bye Mumma."

Picking up Violet, I watch as Jake waves back to her waiting for her reply. But instead, she pulls herself into my neck hiding, causing me to laugh.

"She loves you, Jake."

"I know, but I wish she could just show it sometimes. I love you, Violet."

"Love you Daddy!"

Grinning, he leaves the room feeling victorious.

"You really love teasing your daddy, don't you?"

Nodding her head, I see a toothy grin cover her chubby face.

"Yes mumma."

Picking her up, I twirl her around in the air causing an eruption of small giggles.

"Now let's get mummy ready for the big wedding Baby."


Straightening out my fairy-tale style long sleeve white gown, I adjust the chest making it fit better.

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