Chapter 4 History

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We took the bus to my apartment and once we got in I went under lock down. Sophie looked surprised but Jace just looked amused," is this the part when you say that we are your slaves?" I grinned and shook my head. I signaled then to sit down Sophie gladly sat down but Jace just stood there right next to her."Don't worry I won't bite." He still didn't look convinced so I just kept going."How well do you guys know your history?" They looked at each other and said ," well, we started out as babies then we grew..." I didn't let them finish, " them lets take a trip back in time." Sophie looked interested but Jace just gave a loud grown. I also stated to not interrupt me while I was talking. Then I started," Back when the world was just born everyone had power, not just political but unnatural powers. The earth had an element called sertina. And a lot of sertina existed and it could be found anywhere in the world. But as the human race developed they became greedy and selfish... There was kayos every where. The world became a slaughter house, blood shed every where. It stayed like that for decades until our ancestors did something to stop it." I was looking outside but now I was looking at them. They both gave me doubting looks. But I just kept going."Our ancestors, were very brave and each of them had what you would call super powers. There were eight of them each with a unique power. It took them several years but they destroyed all the sertina." Then Jace interrupted," but how did they do it?" I looked at him and continued. "Well when they started to destroy the sertina that mutated us they took some. Back then gold was the only thing that could contain it. So they each covered them with gold, just a little bit of sertina was very dangerous. With that very little bit of sertina they had the power to prevent anyone to stop them from destroying everyone else. It took them years to stop the sertina from getting into the hands of others. There leader was the most powerful but also the most dangerous. They destroyed the sertina by throwing it in the bottom of oceans and volcanos. But sertina is too powerful to be destroyed so they just kept it there. The eight stopped the kayos. But sadly after a couple of years the eight were forgotten. The eight are not dead because they had children of there own but they had to give up the sertina or what you would call..." Then I pointed to their clocks in there hands. "A clock." They stared at each other and Jace stood up, "look I appreciate story time but we have to go now." He stood up and tugged Sophie's arm and she willingly let her self be pulled like that. They were a couple feet a way from the door and then I said," if you leave now you won't know why you can use the clock or have the power." When I said this they stood completely still and slowly turned around. Sophie looked amazed but Jace just looked at me with a hint of curiosity in his eyes. Then they walked across the room and sat down on the couch without another word. So I just kept going," the clock holds sertina, and it also has the prophecy of the holder's destiny. They change every generation but you might not be able to read it because it's in Latin." They looked at me and then Jace said," so why can the clock stop time?" I answered," that very little sertina can do amazing things, like stop time, and that's why the eight needed to burry the seritina. And since our ancestors have been exposed to too much sertina, we have these special abilities." Jace looked bored and started to whisper to Sophie," Okay, she's either lunatic or the explanation to our power." Then I said," which brings me to the next thing." They both looked at her with curiosity. Then I told them to stay there that I needed to get something. I stood up and crossed the living room to my room. Once I got inside a couldn't help but smile, there was still hope to get the balance back. then I strolled to my desk and fetched my backpack.
Then I returned to my seat across them. I opened my laptop and clicked the history file. "First we need to make sure you know who you are and what you do..." I went to Jace's page and I showed them the screen. " James Nicolas Luster" I looked up from the screen and directed my attention to him. But I still kept going, looking back at the screen," speed- superior , strength- superior, height- six feet. The power that the sertina gave you." I looked at him," you actually have two, telacanisis and all your senses are three times better than a average human." He looked from me to the screen witch contained his photo and all that information. But he still contained his face nutreal then he spoke as he took out his clock from his right pants pocket," what does the back say?" I looked at him and gently took the clock from his hand and I turned it around. I looked up and they both were looking at me intently. " nisi ad solem et lunam et exibit."then I looked at them and said," maybe you would recognize this if you took Latin, it said that, to save the moon the sun shall go out... I still haven't learned what any of the prophecies mean, but they were made by one of the original eight's child that could see the future.Every generation has their own prophecy and I don't know how it changes." They just sat there as quiet as the dead so I just kept going," Sophia Jenna Elegent, speed-average, strength- average, height- five feet four." I stopped there, to take a breath and then said," your power is the ability to fight hand in hand combat and you can learn how to fight with any weapon quickly." She looked stricken then she said," wait, any weapon?!" I nodded and kept going ," Xavoir Will and last name undetermined. He is average in every thing exempt his power is great." I looked at them but they just stared at the picture next to data. "He creates matter." Their heads immediately shot up - good I got there attention - I thought to myself proudly. " He can only create solid object but it takes great amount of energy." Then I went to the next slide," Jake and last name undetermined. He can paralyze people and animals but only as long as your in his reach but he can't paralyze you permanently." After I finished I felt myself sweat with the heat and I guess Jace sensed it too," I know many girls start freaking out when I'm around so I understand why your sweating" he said in a mocking tone. I gave him a incredulous look and said," well then I special, I'm immune to your looks." He chuckled so I just kept going,"Luke Stevan last name to be determined, speed-superior, strength- average and height-five ten. He has the power to blend in or camouflage to his surroundings." Then Jace said," Wait, so he's like a living gecko." Sophie started to laugh but I just kept my face neutral. "Well let's keep going, Nayeli Navalete, strength- average, speed- average, height- five foot five." I didn't realize that I let some pain go out in my tone. That's when Sophie said," hey, are you okay?" Her voice was concerned and that made the pain increase more,- if only they knew- I thought sadly. I just kept going," her power is to use the elements, you could call her an avatar." I heard Sophie laugh and Jace just grinned. So then I went to the next page and I sucked in my breath,"I'm sorry if this makes you guys uncomfortable but I just can't read on..." Sophie just said," it's okay and flipped the screen so it faced her, she whimpered a little bit but started to read," Jared Cole Hesnilate, speed- superior, strength- superiors and height- six feet." I heard her suck in her breath but she just kept going," power- Cole can control emotions and you actions..."I knew that they knew who he was but I didn't want to push them to tell me. Then Jace said," wait, most of these thing are what you did to us earlier." I looked up and took the laptop away from them. " Well that bring us to the next thing, I'm you leader and I am superior in every thing... My powers are to copy and make powers I do that by touching a person while they are using their power." They both looked shocked but I just kept going," I know this is a lot to process but you have to believe me, Cole is going after you and he will brain wash you just like he did to every one else..." Jace looked confused and said," what are you talking about? "We were all a team when we were young and now he has everyone except you and Sophie under his influence. He works for this man, I don't know what he wants but he will stop at nothing to get it. They want me to lead them again but I can't..." Then I looked up an saw the time on the clock that hung from my wall. The I faced towards them," you better go you mum is about to get here." Jace nodded and stood up just then the balcony window shattered. In the moon's light stood five soldiri and they wore black and they all had guns in their hands. The biggest man who looked like their leader said," Just give us those two children and we won't have a problem lady." he pointed to Jace and Sophie as he spoke. Jace stood defensively in front of Sophie. He gave them a menacing glare and said," although I know I'm hot that doesn't mean I'll go with you willingly no matter how much you beg." The man in the back said," he's a cocky one let me have him." Then he started walking, gun in hand. The leader stopped him and said," we have orders not to kill them but we can go back with them in pieces." I was just listening to every thing and keeping my face neutral. I decided to speak up," your friend was here yesterday and I'll ask you what I asked him, did Cole send you?" They kept there faces neutral but the front one grinned and said," this one is well informed, we should take her too." They started walking towards me and then super quickly they had my arms behind me I let them take me and they pulled me next to the leader. They were after Jace and Sophie next, they looked confused but the rest of the soldiri just laughed as they were struggling under their grip. That's when I went limp I dropped to the ground and before the soldiri that had a hold of me realized what I was doing I knock them out with my leg. The three of them all fell and I shot up and and I clasped my clock and I said," frigidus in tempore" so quickly I barley heard it myself. Every thing around me froze and I looked up and saw that Jace and Sophie already had gotten out of the soldiri's grip. " Luckily you followed my lead or else we would have woken up the whole apartment" I said. They looked at me with a look that said what now? I clapped my hand together and when I unclasped them I had three long knives that were supper sharp. Then I slumped against the the wall behind me I almost let the knives go. Jace and Sophie were next to me in a instant and I just said," I'll be okay I just got a little drained of energy" I said breathless. I handed each of them warning them of the sharpness. Then I told them," kill them except the leader. Sophie looked at me with horror," but they're just human!" I shook my head and said, they're soldiri, part human, part off spring of a mutated human exposed to much to the sertina. They only listen to their leader and Cole is ruthless." I was panting hard now and I screamed," Kill them know! I don't know how long I can keep time frozen!" Jace walked to a guy and drew the knife through his chest and blood spattered every where. Then Sophie did the same and then ran to the balcony not caring about the broken glass every where and puked over the rim. Jace just kept going and once he finished he went to Sophie who was clutching her stomach. I barley had the energy to lift the clock and whisper," regelo." Jace was holding leader in his hand and after I said regelo he slumped into his hand. I fought to stay conscious and then anger gave me energy. I walked to the leader and said," What does Cole want?" Jace stood behind him. The leader just spat at me and I dodged. I had the knife in hand and I said," fine if you don't want to corporate, then die." I sank the knife in his chest an I felt the hot blood on my finger tips and I pulled the knife out. That's when I felt my knees buckle and I felt Jace's muscular arms under me to prevent me from hitting the ground. He laid me down softly on the ground and then Sophie was kneeling down beside me, clutching my hand. I used the last of my strength to put my hand on my chest. I heard Sophie starting to exclaim but then she just shut up as my hand started to glow. I felt myself be filled with energy. Once I felt satisfied I sat up. Sophie was already up and she helped me up. I looked around and then Sophie said," what just happened to you?!" I looked at her and said," I was drained of energy." Just then the door busted open. Jace walked to the figure next to the door and was hugged. I realized that his mum Morgan was there. Sophie ran towards them and joined the hug. I just walked to them and before I could say anything Morgan looked up and said," what are you doing here Re..." I interrupted her and said," I go by Fire now Morgan and Jace and Sophie are in danger." She looked shocked and then she asked why. I explained everything while Jace and Sophie just stood there silently. Once I finished she looked shocked and said," Stay away from my children! You know your the reason why they were attacked." She screamed so I screamed," well if I train them they can defend themselves! But they are more in danger if they stay here." I took a deep breath and said," we will leave in the morning."

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