Chapter 9 Good-bye

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The soldiri had taken us but not without a fight. I had killed about ten combing my powers but I had no break. The soldiri kept coming and they over powered us. I felt a soldiri grab me and take my hands behind me, and I couldn't break free. Cole motioned for the soldiri to let me go. I now was exhausted and he let me lean on him for support. I was slowly loosing consciousness and barley heard Jace screaming my name before he was silenced. I wanted to look back but Cole just steered me away and I felt my knees buckle and everything went black.
I woke up on a bed with silk covers and a pillow that looked really expensive. I sat up and looked around. I gasped, it was my old room that I lived in for most of my childhood... I got off and gently traced my fingers over the hard wooden desk. On the desk there were paper some folded clothes and a crystal lamp. I looked down at my self and saw that my gear was ripped and bloody. I was confused, I did not heal my self and yet I was healed. I grabbed the clothes and went to the small marble bathroom on the other side of the room. I closed the door and laid out the clothes on the sink. There was a light blue blouse with a black skirt cover in colorful flowers. I felt annoyed, I was not about to look like a summer princess. I left the clothes there and clasped my hand together and got another set of gear and my favorite leather jacket. Then I realized that I was bare footed so I made some black fighting boots. I came out of the bathroom and stopped in my tracks. Cole sat at the edge of my bed with my clock in hand and he looked amused. My hand went to my neck and I felt fear go through my entire body. He stood up and chuckled," so you didn't like the clothes I picked for you Val?" I just stood there like an idiot incapable to move a single muscle. He stood up and walked right in front of me. He pushed some hair out of my face but I just flinched at his touch. He looked pained when I flinched but he kept his face neutral. He pulled his hand back," look Vel I needed to do that you were still unstable. Mr. Malka..." That's went I lashed out," so everything is about him now! What happened to you?! What happened to us?..." my voice trailed off. He walked and stood right next to me and gently took me in to his arms and he gently murmured reassuring things in my ear. I felt at peace when he was there and I knew something was off but I just didn't care. I was in his arms and he wanted me, nothing else mattered. I turned, so I was now facing him. His hands went to my waist and they pulled my closer to him. I giggled despite the dangerous situation I was in. I tangled my fingers in his hair and cupped his face. I went back to the memory of the lake and violently shoved him away. I stood there shocked but I was determined not to let him see my emotions. Cole can control your emotion if you show or feel any. He only stumbled back but he got back to his stance. "You are not as weak as I remember." I snickered at him,"you left a weak girl, but now and always I will be stronger than you." He glared at me as I spoke those words. I lashed out on him but he dodged. I rolled and found him running at me. I stepped aside but he had a lock on my arm and he twisted it. I grunted but I did not let him see the pain on my face. He looked at me accusingly," you may have power but you are weaker then us all." He pushed my away and I stumbled and looked at him. He had my clock in hand I stood frozen. He started squeezing it and I gasped as the air flooded me. I felt as if someone had squeezed the air out of me. I clutched my chest gasping for breath. I croaked out," stop... please." He let my clock go and I fell on the ground. I gulped the air quickly. He strolled over to me and said," you are truly pathetic, but at least Mr.Malka will approve." He put the clock around my neck again and helped me stand up. I kept my distance as he unlocked the door and led me out of the room into the hall.
They looked the same as ever though they had new carpeting. I then saw a small wooden desk and with a marble base on it holding roses.Soldiri stood at guard speed out in the hall. I slowed my pace so that Cole was in front of me. Then I grabbed the vase and broke it on his head. The vase shattered and blood splattered every where. He turned around and reached for me but I pulled back. Fury screamed in his eyes," you bitch!" I grinned and ran at him with anger fueling me. I kicked him at his rips, holding nothing back. He grunted and grabbed my leg and hurled it upwards. I used it as a leverage and did a back flip and landed in my fighting stance.
Soldiri now were surrounding me and the I heard a deep voice boom," stand down soldiri! If any of you dare touch the leader of the eight you will be decapitated!" I turned around and I saw Mr. Malka. He grinned at me and said," welcome back child."
I shoved my way through the soldiri to get to him but I was stopped by Cole. I struggled under his grip but he holded strong. "Go back to your stations!" said Mr. Malka.
He motioned for Cole to follow him so he did and he dragged me along. We walked until we stood at the fourth floor which was mostly and office. Mr. Malka motioned for us to take a seat. Immediately when Cole released me I stood up ready to fight. Mr. Malka chuckled," child you do not wish to fight me unless you want harm to come to you friends."
He turned on a screen and I saw a camera videoing Jace and Sophie in a metal cage. Jace was pounding at the metal door angrily. I saw that Sophie was trying to clam him down. Then I saw Mr. Malka speak in to his watch at his wrist. My attention went back to the screen and now I saw a soldiri with a gun pointed at Jace I screamed and like a cue, Jace was shot. He went down and I saw that the bullet had hit his leg and he now in sat in a puddle of blood. Sophie rushed to his side and ripped the hem of his shirt to stop the blood. Then the screen turned off. Mr. Malka looked at me and grinned," you see child if you make a wrong move one of your friends will be shot."
I stared at him in pure horror. I slowly walked back and sat in my chair in defeat. Cole stared at me with jealousy lingering in his eyes," you never knew about him and yet you care so much for him" his voice was in pain. I turned away from him and faced Mr. Malka. "What is it that you want? Do what you wish to me but let James and Sophie out of this!" Mr. Malka shook his head and said," you see that's not possible any more, they will soon become part of this." He motioned to his surroundings and kept going," and so will you..."
I glared at him and said," that's were you are wrong, I would never become part of this willingly." Then I heard Cole speak," who ever said about willingly." Mr. Malka started chuckling and stood up and Cole stood next to him. Cole had a murdering look on his face when Mr. Malka touched one of my curls.
I ironed my hair yesterday but I woke up here and now it was a curly mess. He grinned at me and said," you are no longer a little girl, might as well have fun." Cole kept his face neutral but I knew that he was holding back.
Then Cole spoke," Mr.Malka I don't think we have the time. We must start with the wipe." Mr. Mlaka nodded and went back to stand next to Cole. They both stood in front of me, and I snarled at them. I new that they would brain wash Jace and Sophie," don't touch Jace or Sophie! " Mr. Malka chuckled at the vulnerability that I had. That's when Cole spoke,"I need you to be on my team and all we have to do is get rid of one problem and then you will join me." I was so confused because for my entire life it was always him and Mr.Malka. That's when I saw him pull out a seritina blade that had razors at the top and it was slightly curved. Then the blade went through Mr. Malka's chest and I saw the tip of the blade covered in blood as it went through his heart. Mr. Malka gasped and turned to Cole. Cole snarled at him as yanked the blade, letting Mr. Malka's body fall to the wooden floors and make a puddle of blood. I was sitting at the chair when I witness that cold blooded murder in front me.
Cole was now wiping the blood against the chair Mr. Malka was sitting at. I was already at my feet and running to the door. But just as I was about to reach the knob I felt his hands go around my waist. He spoke menacing," I knew you hated him, now that he is gone we can at last be together." I turned to him and I spat," you are a cold blooded murderer." He grinned at me and said," you will change sooner or later then I will be waiting." I let his words sink in before I elbowed him in his stomach. he stumbled back and went to kick my ribs I jump and dodged. Then my leg lashed out and I kicked him on the head as I went in the air. Now he had a bloody nose but he had caught my leg and pulled me down to the ground like a rag. I jumped back up and looked at him and camouflaged. I let my surroundings blend on to me like a shield, into the perfect camouflage. I ran at him and punched him at his face. I heard the loud crack of his nose breaking.
But I did not stop there, my other hand went to his gut and he grunted in pain. He could not see me at all. I used that time to run at the door and run to the hallway. I heard Cole's frustrated scream that seemed to bounce off the walls.
But I just kept running, I ran down the stairs letting my camo go. I knew were Jace and Sophie were kept. They were most likely at the first floor at the chamber hall. Once I got to the last floor I heard the alarm go on with a an announcement," soldiri! wipe the prisoners and find Fire!" I sped up and ran to the end of the right corridor and took another right and got to the steel doors and opened them. I was panting but I ignored that fact. The room was a hall but at the end of the hall it expanded to a circular room. But all the walls were prison cells. I looked desperately as I ran down the hall. Then my eyes caught a slumped figure at the fifth cell at the right. All the doors were different because it depended on the prisoner. I saw that the door was steel and electric and through the small circular window I saw Sophie. I thought desperately on how to break her out with out harming her. Then I saw a lock that required a pass code. I thanked my luck and pointed at it. I let a blast of electricity go through it and it unlocked. I turned the handle and I saw Sophie in the center of the small prison barley conscious. I ran and knelt down to her and healed her. She sat up abruptly and looked at me. Then I healed myself and she helped me to my feat. We ran in silence, I felt relief to have found her. She was the closest person that I had in my life like a sister and a mother at once. We ran until we came to the circular room. The walls were also cells so we decided to look half of it so that we both covered more ground.
I was barley at the third cell when I heard Sophie call my name. I looked to the other side of the room and found a cell door opened. I ran over to it and looked inside. Sophie was kneeling next to Jace. I ran to him and knelt down, I put my hand over his chest and began to heal him. He gasped and sat up but I kept my hand at his chest until he was fully healed. Then Sophie threw herself at him and hugged him. Jace soothed her while I looked at them in silence. I felt a pang of jealousy when then Jace said," we better go."
We were out of the cell when we found the entire army of soldiri at the hallway waiting for us. Cole stood snarling at us and then he pointed at us. The soldiri ran at us in a wave of force, that came on to us in a crash. We had no weapons so we had no chance against their numbers. Soldiri took his of us and made us stand in front of Cole. "Make her stand next to me" he motioned for Sophie.
I barley noticed that Xavoir, Jake, Luke and Nayeli stood faithfully next to him. I felt the hollow sensation of despair flood me. The soldiri had dragged Sophie to stand next to Cole. He now had a hold of her and now he had a sertina blade at her back ready to pierce her skin.
Cole grinned at me and said," you can spare the girl's life and James if you join me." I had electrocuted the soldiri holding me but Cole kept more from coming at me. I felt desperation, I could save myself and kill the soldiri and maybe save the world. Or I could save the two I cared for and join Cole. I looked at Sophie and whispered," I'm sorry..." I jumped above their heads and let the fire blast on the soldiri and to Cole and his team. The soldiri had gone up in flames and screams filled the large room. That's when I landed and ash surrounded me but Cole was now taking the blade out of Sophie's chest, she was laying in a pool of blood. Cole stared at me in hatred and he saw that I also got his team mates. Nayeli was not harmed and holding on to Jake. She stared at me in hatred so she made the earth go up and make a rock wall between us. I only had time to pull Sophie to me as the wall was sealed. I also saw that Xavoir went to our side. Jace slammed Xavior against the wall as I heard a helicopter fly away, they had escaped. Now Jace was screaming," you little bastard you betrayed us."
Xavoir looked ashamed and Jace let him go in pure frustration and ran to me. He yanked Sophie out of my arms and screamed," why aren't you healing her?!" Xavoir now loomed over us but kept his distance. I looked at Jace and said," I can not heal poison, the blade had poison on it to kill her slowly and there is no remedy to heal her." That's when Sophie coughed blood and looked at us, she put her hand lightly over Jace's cheek and whispered," don't be mad at her Jace she saved us all, even if I was the sacrifice." Now Jace had tears streaming down his cheeks. " Please don't go..." I knew then what I had to do and the dreams made sense now.

To save the moon the sun shall go out.

Sophie was the moon that was dying and I the sun was the only one who could save her. I knew what had to be done. I saw Sophie laid out in Jace's arms. I crawled over to him and cupped his face and leaned and gave him a soft kiss. Everything seemed to stop, and it was only him and me. He kissed me back but I pulled away. "I love you..." I whispered.
He looked shocked but desire now burned hot in his. I looked down at Sophie and she said with a grin," I'm glad you two will be together..." I gently shushed her and said," to save to moon the sun shall go out." She seemed to realize what the meant and she started to cough more blood.
I pulled my clock over my head and told Jace to not stop me. He started to question why. I touched my clock and gently laid it over Sophie's chest. If I could take then I could give. I let my soul go and replace her dying one. I started to glow and so did my clock. The colorful air in my dream appeared with gold strands in it. It separated and went into Sophie's head and heart. Then she got color back in to her skin, hair and lips. Her wound healed instantly and I felt her steady live breath come back.
She had her eyes closed and now the opened. Jace hugged her and started thanking me when he stopped. I was falling backwards but he caught me. I felt his desperate shakes to keep me awake but it was already to late. My soul no longer was in me. The last thing I heard was my heart beating and then it stopped for good.

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