Chapter 6 Lake

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I woke up with a sense of dread because of two reasons. One it was my birthday and two I felt as if I started to understand the dream. I knew that the dream was connected with a prophecy some how and that it would occur soon.
I went down to get breakfast and I saw Jace and Sophie were already there. Sophie waved me over and I sighed and got my breakfast and sat down with them. The little round table was big enough for four people but Jace took up half of the table. I didn't even take a bite of my pancake before Sophie said," Happy birthday!" I groaned and started eating. Jace looked amused and said," since its your birthday I'll let you watch me play poker with Sophie." I gave him a bored face and said," Oh my I'm so flattered." I said sarcastically. He kept grinning and said,"you know most women would die if they saw me, and imagine if I actually tried." I rolled my eyes while Sophie giggled.
Once we finished I told them to follow me. I led them to my room and I locked the door. I turned around and I saw that Jace and Sophie were already seated and stared at me. I stood in front of them and I started to speak," We will stay here for another day or two then we will go to the training Fortua." They nodded in agreement and then Sophie said," what are we going to do today than, other than celebrate!" I gave her a incredulous look," that brings me to the second thing I was going to say, today we will not celebrate my birthday but you guys can do what ever you want except I have to be there the whole time." Sophie liked confused and Jace said,"can't bear to part from me can you." I groned and said," okay now let's see what you two are going to do."

The day went by really quickly with Sophie an Jace going swimming, and just doing regular things. We got back to the hotel around nine-ish. They were still energetic but I was very anxious. Every year on my birthday no one ever celebrates for me and I gotten used to that. But since it's my birthday every year I go swimming late at night while everyone is asleep. I spent two hours later trying to bear how awkward things felt as Jace took Sophie in his arms protectively while they were watching a movie. - That should be me- I thought. I was so shocked at what I just thought that I didn't realize that the movie they were watching ended. I felt fear drown me in its everlasting waters. I started shaking and immediately stoped myself before they saw me like that. They turned around and looked at me and I said," Sophie can I talk to you for a sec." She nodded and we walked outside so that we were standing in front of the hotel room. She gave me a questioning look so I said," look I'm going for a swim for a couple of hours so don't worry if I'm gone." She looked surprised and before she could say any thing I shoved her into her hotel room. I sighed and hoped that nothing went wrong today.
I was inside my room and I went to my closet. I dug up my black bikini and I put it on.I put some black jeans and a black hoodie over it. I tied my hair and put on my sneakers. I looked around making sure that I didn't forget anything. I was really terrified that something would happen to them. I took a deep breath and decided that since Cole knew that I wasn't dead than I could use the clock even if I wasn't supposed to during the kiss.
My hand gently went around my clock and I whispered," frigidus in tempore " fearing that someone would hear. I saw time stop and I decided to have some fun. I was walking to the door when I decided to run to the window and jump off. The adrenaline rushed in my veins as the cool wind whistled in my face. I summoned the air that surrounded me and I felt the wind slowly put me on the ground like a slow elevator. I landed with a small thump. I looked around, pleased with myself. I walked around the building until I saw the parking lot, a car was in the middle of backing out but it stood completely still now. Chills were sent through my back as I saw how still everything was, like seeing a photo except your in it. I walked to my car and I put both my hands over it.I concentrated and let it be unaffected by the freeze. I opened the door and turned it on. Idaho was covered by vegetation and it had plenty lakes. I googled lakes near by the hotel and I found a lake hidden in the middle of the forest and there was a small warm spring near it. I drove off, avoiding all the frozen cars in the middle of the road.
After a couple miles I was at the tip of the forest. I parked my car in between tall bushes. I looked around and I concentrated on summoning the air to me. I felt the air dance around me and I told it to lift me. You are only as light as you want to be. I rose higher and higher, I was above the tree tops and I flew. I flew not in superhero pose but a little bit leaned forward. After one or two minutes I found a glistening dark blue lake surrounded by trees that stood motionless, I landed on the lake's shore with a gentle thump. I knelt down and gently placed my finger on its surface and I left a small dent. I stood up, the cool sensation of the water still lingered at my finger tip. I scouted the area once more and found a little warm spring. Then I decided to lift my clock and say," regelo." I saw everything in motion once more, the trees swaying in the gentle breeze. The dark blue lake sitting still and patient. I decided to relax myself in the lake first then I will go in the warm spring.
I stripped down to my black bikini that blended with the black sky filled with shining stars. I threw my clothes over to the bush next to the pool of water.
I went for a running start and I jumped into the middle of the lake, but just before my body contacted with the water I summoned air that set me down gently and gracefully. I gasped as the cool refreshing water hit me. The water surrounded my whole body from my neck down. The water sent chills through my body in a good way. I took a deep breath and dove down. I felt at peace with myself. I didn't have to worry about Cole, Jace and Sophie and about my future. I broke the surface once again and gasped for air. My cold wet hair clung to my head and dripped water onto the water sending gentle ripples on the lake.
I swam some laps and dove down and used the peaceful sensation as a drug. After a good hour of swimming I swam over to the shore. The rocks stabbed my feet as I climbed out of the lake. I was shivering slightly so I decided to walk over to the little hot tub made by nature. I felt the grass shrink under the weight of my wet bare feet. The little warm spring was hidden behind a tree and surrounded by bushes hidden under sky blue flowers the size of quarters. I kept my face neutral as I saw the perfect scenery. I kept walking and I found a small rock stair case that almost seemed manmade. I walk down it and I gently lowered my self in the stinging hot water. I found a flat rock and I sat on it. I waved my arms gently in the murky water. I smiled at the heat that the water gave me. I decided to let my hair go and to look down. I saw my reflection on the water's surface. I looked up and smiled that the moonlight shone on everything like a second dim sun. My mind went back to my dream. I didn't even have time to get into a fighting stance when I heard the soft steps of a person behind me.
I spun around so quickly that I sent small drops of water around me. I saw a hooded figure hidden in the shadows. I felt panic flare through my body- Cole - I thought terrified. My body tensed up as the hooded figure approached me, I was frozen with panic an fear. Then the figure stepped in the light I let up a relived sigh, it was only Jace. He stood there in front of me with an amused face. As I looked at him I felt anger. towards for giving me a scare like that. I did not lash out but instead said," what are you doing here?" He walked over to the rim of the pool and said," you know you shouldn't sneak out with out telling us."I ignored him," how did you find me?" He grinned and said," you know you should really put a password on your phone." I left my phone at my room and I didn't lock it. Then he look at my surroundings. " you picked a nice spot, but why come here and be alone don't you have a family." I took in a sharp breath and I decided I should be straight with him so he would leave me alone. "I am adopted, my mother and father died when I was very young. My mother was the original leader of last generation's eight. She fell in love with a mortal like any of the eight. And had me, she resigned her duty as the leader. She went to live with my dad. She raised me up blind to the power that I had. She was later killed when I was five and I don't know how. The man I was talking about brought me in like his own. He taught me how to be the new leader. He guided me on how to use my powers and little by little he brought the rest of the eight and he trained us." Jace looked confused so I said,"I know you remember." His eyes grew big as he said," you were the reason why we escaped the Fortua." I nodded and went back to a memory...

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