Back Then

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As he took her into his arms she whispered," what are we going to to?". He sighed and said," what we were born to do." She jerked back almost tripping herself."No... I refuse to do that..." He cocked his head and grinned," you can't run from your destiny." She slowly backed away one step at a time until her back hit a tree. She was shaking, as she stood there frozen in fear she looked up. It had been a cloudy day in the park It looked like it was going to rain but it didn't. Her attention was back to him, she gave him a horrified look," the mortals are innocent!" She said in a panicked voice, then he started to walk towards her and shook his head slightly while giving her a devilish grin. "Come... come with me, and you'll have everything you wanted and more." He said in a calm voice. He had his hand stretched out in front of her waiting for her to take it. Instantly she stop shaking," no." Before he could realize what she was doing, she ran towards him, he was only a couple feet away from her. With one quick strike her elbow connected with his neck. Just as she hit him he fell on his knees then his whole body tumbled on to the damp grass. She looked down at the body and snickered," Like always you under estimate me, but I'll always be one step ahead of you." Than she gave the limp body a hard kick right in the rib cage, to make sure he was out cold. Then she looked around to make sure no one saw. -Good- she thought to herself," no one saw." She took one last look around to try to take in as much a the beautiful scenery that surrounded her. Then she ran across the the ground as fast as her feet could take her. Once she got to the other side she grabbed firmly the stone wall and pulled herself up on the stone wall's ledge. She managed to get her body over the wall in one swift movement. Once on the street she ran, she ran away from her past, she ran and was determined to find a better life.

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