Chapter 1 High-school

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My name is Fire Velendia, I am adopted, my adopted father is Max Velendia and lets just say he is not the best father in the world. He is a fat man, and all he does is go around town selling hats to random strangers. He is the only one working in our family but he uses most of his money on beer. Every day after "work" he chugs down a pack of beer non stop. I once tried to get him to stop but he beated me up really badly, I had bruises all over my body and I had to bandage my arm that was bleeding by myself. And to make things even better Molly my adoptive mother that is short but feisty, has red fiery hair that is up to shoulder length. She is average pretty but do not get fooled by her looks. She is a monster, and that monster so happened to have two children which take after their father. Kevin and Isaac, Kevin is a scrawny boy that's six feet, he has copper brown hair that hang all over his face. He has no good looks what so ever and he has one heck of a temper. Isaac on the other hand follows Kevin's every move he never thinks by him self. He also has copper hair. But he is a little round around the edges. He is way smaller than Kevin but only a inch taller than me. That's my family. I became an orphan when I was 10, I really never knew my biological parents, but hey who needs parents when you have what I have. Also I live in Salt Lake City, Utah. I'm a senior in Rapid High. I wouldn't consider myself as a good student but rather an average student. This is my last year in High School and the best part is that school ends in two days. But that's not the only holiday coming up, my birthday will be in eleven days. I won't have any one to celebrate with me because I'm not dating, I have no friends and don't for get that my life is horrible.
The day was sunny and life can get more normal than this, everyone was working or in school just living a carefree life. I stared at the clock and waited for the bell to ring. Just then the bell rang and I got out of my seat and grabbed my backpack. I stood up and pushed my chair and as I was walking towards the door my seventh period teacher said," remember to read chapter eight through fifth-teen for homework!" I rolled my eyes, like if anyone was going to do that I thought to myself. Then as I passed the doors of the class room the crowds swept me away like a sea shell being swept away by a wave. I pushed my self out the doors past the hungry crowd and out to the fresh air. Then I started to walk towards the bus, as I was passing the Rapid High sign I saw Jace Luster and Sophie Elagent huddled up in a corner just talking. Jace was seventeen and Sophie was sixteen just like me. I don't think I had a class with any of them but it's hard not to know who they are. They transferred from somewhere in Colorado this year. But that's not the reason why every one in school knows about them. The reason is when you lay eyes on them you feel like you're looking at super models. Jace is a head taller than me and he looks like he works out every day. His blond hair is a little bit higher than his shoulder, and his face... I swear, it's like looking at a face from a hot model magazine. His his eyes are impossibly dark blue and his nose, mouth, ears you name it it's all perfect. Then there's Sophie, her long straight brown hair is lower than shoulder length and her eyes are golden brown, and she too looks like a model, her slim figure is breath taking. Then there's me, my messy brown hair is always all over the place. I have to iron it every morning to get it straight or else I would have tangled brown curls all over my face. Even though my hair is longer than hers by like two inches she still beats me in good looks. I'm skinny but compared to her I have no curves. And by the way I'm not the pretty type either. My clothes are simple and not to complicated. A gray hoodie and some jeans with what ever kind of shoes except heels. Totally the opposite of them, even with regular clothes they are both breath taking. But I didn't let that bother me, even when everyone met them and they were the center of the spot light. All the girls went all googoo eyes on Jace. I almost felt bad for him almost. Since the first day of school Sophie and Jace were close so we all guessed that they were dating, but to this day no one still knows.

Then they said something to each other and they both burst out laughing. After they calmed down after a while he place a small kiss on her cheek. They both smiled and walked across the school territory onto the street and around the corner, they were still deep in conversation when I couldn't see them any more. Just then it had occurred to me that I never kissed a boy, and I was curious. Then my thoughts went to Scott Manzerit, he was a senior, just like me. He was cute, his black hair pointy like a porcupine. He was a one of the nicest popular boys I ever met. He was at active and He was in schools foot ball team. While still thinking I hurried my pace to not miss my bus. I looked for bus twenty eight which so happens to be the bus that Scott rode too, and he got off the same bus stop as me. As I approached my bus I quickly got on and gave a small nod to my bus driver Carl. He is a athlete, very tall and broad and he is bald. His head is so smooth that it's looks like a recently waxed wooden floor. Once I got past him I hurried to take my regular seat. My regular seat was the far back corner one only meant for one person. once I was settled and comfortable I started to think. I was split in half, one part of me wanting to experiment with Scott and the other part of me telling me to forget it and go home. As I fought with myself I was getting closer to my stop. After considering both choices curiosity over powered me, I was going to find out what a kiss felt like. As I got closer and closer to the stop my heart started to pound against my chest like a drum. I couldn't stay still, I was overwhelmed with excitement and dread. I knew I could still back out now but I was to determined to coward down now. Then thoughts started to infiltrate my mind, what if Scott pushed me away, what if someone was looking, what would he think about me then. -Stop!- I thought to my self, I made my decision so I just pushed those thoughts to the back of my mind. I just need to relax and take a deep breath. And all to soon we arrived to the bus stop - I wasn't ready!- I got up from my seat and walked down the aisle. Ahead of me I saw Scott, his backpack hung on one shoulder . He thanked the bus driver and descended down the stairs. I hurried my pace almost tripping over some kids backpack. Once I reached the stairs I quickly went down them so I could catch up with Scott.
once my feet made contact with the floor I saw him like about five feet away from me. I took a deep breath, I couldn't believe what I was about to do. I practically jogged over to him and then walked right next to him. He looked at me and smiled. He was one of those people who's smile lit up a room. "How was your day", he asked in a polite tone. I smiled at him and said," my day was tiring," I paused for a second and then kept going, I looked up ahead of me and noticed that we were only one or two block away from his house. " You see this tiny experiment I want to try out... And I was thinking that maybe you could help me." I stopped abruptly thinking that I creeped him out. I dared to give him a glance, he had a suspicious face but then he smiled and said," sure I'll help you, what exactly are we supposed to do?" "Well you see..."I said in a whisper . He leaned closer so that he could hear me. I took advantage of that moment and before he realized what was happening I practically fell on him. My hands wrapped around that back of his neck and I pulled until his lips touched mine. At first he stood there in shock and slowly he kissed me back. The sweet sensation of his lips left me breathless. Then I was thrown back to reality. I untangled my arms from his neck and with more force than intended I pushed him back. He stumbled backwards and before I could stop my self my hand went to my neck. I gently pulled out my clock. It's golden chain was lifted from its spot and it left a empty space. I ignored the emptiness and lifted the antique clock. It's was bordered with real diamond, ruby, sapphire, and emerald. My hand clamped around it and said,"frigidus in tempore ." then I saw everything around me instantly freeze like if it were all put in a freezer. I noticed Scott standing there perfectly still that it was nerve racking. My gaze went to his face and I saw a hurt/confused face. I let another moment go by while I was staring at him. Then I started to panic. - what have I done?!- I thought to myself. My hands went to my head, I pushed my hair out of my face. I looked around and took shaky steps towards a fence that was left of me. I leaned against it, my back felt the cool wooden surface. I realized that I was shaking as all the memories came back to me. I forced my self to block them out and to stop shaking, so I did. What have I been thinking! I shouldn't have let my self do such a idiotic thing. Then all of a sudden I heard a car engine coming, my head shot up, in the distance I saw a black van. - This is impossible!- no one can go past the freeze! No one unless one of the eight. Then as the van passed me I felt time slow down. It was him, he looked angry and when his eyes locked with mine I saw his expression change into a shocked expression. But his expression changed yet again, he looked like if he had found what he has been looking for all his life. I felt all the blood drain from my face. I stood there motionless, then he mouthed the words, I found you. Then finally time caught up with me and I saw the van zoom off on to the high way. He looked the same since the last time I saw him. His glossy black hair that always covered up his eyes, which I used to think was a shame because his eyes are precious. They are black with the most minimum of violet scattered on it. Though he did look older and he was more attractive... My heart ached, I only wished that his heart was a beautiful as him. Still frozen in shock I felt my self shake uncontrollably. I barley had the strength and will power to raise my clock and say," regelo " like a blink of a eye every thing unfroze. I didn't dare look at Scott and I certainly was not going to explain why I was shaking. All I could do right then and there was run. I ran and fast as I could, needed to go and think this through. But one though still clung to mind," how did he find me?..."

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