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Hello everyone ❤❤❤ xxx

My wee self has still been terribly ill. I visited the doctor yesterday but I seem to be getting worse which is always fun 😞

I've got two chapters written up and I'm working on another. But so there's no delays in them being posted im going to leave a gap of three days between each chapter to make sure everything's written to my usual standards and I can rest I between ❤❤❤ xxx

I wanted to really make sure I'm setting a strong foundation for the story because this part is surprisingly complex since there's so much to fill in. I also hope you enjoy the wee flashback because I really enjoy giving Richtofen more backstory whilst still keeping in line with Treyarch's. Hopefully it feels natural and ties in nicely 🥰🥰🥰 xxx

I hope everyone is staying well and please be sure to let me know how you are all doing! I always like to know how everyone is! ❤❤❤ xxx

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