2 "Don't Avoid Me"

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What do I do now? I made eye contact, and even physical contact with a rich kid! I don't know what to do. Should I just crawl up and die. I thought to myself as I walked home, which I didn't want to. The sun was setting down behind the mountains. I reached my hand out for it, but it disappeared. Leaving the whole city in darkness. But then, the moon came up, with it's I radiant light shining down on us. As I walked to the park, I saw someone. Laying on the grass. Aware of my surroundings I slowly moved forward to the person.

My head right above him. Then I saw, it. It was the rich kid. I was just about to scream, but I realized that he was asleep. Why would he be sleeping here? Didn't he have some kind of limo to drive him home? I was just about to wake him, but remembered what happened between me and him moments ago. I didn't want to interfere with people like him anymore. I stood up but a hand pulled me down. Keeping a tight grip.

"W-what are you-!" I shouted suddenly being cut off

"Shhh..." Daichi whispered, as his hands went over my mouth to keep me from screaming. He pushed me behind a big bush with beautiful ombré flowers.

"Shhh....it's ok....just be quiet for now."

A few seconds later I heard a voice. A deep voice.

"Young master, where are you young master? Your father is looking for you."

The voice said, as it drifted away further from the bush we were hiding behind.....We both kneeled there for a few seconds thinking about what in the world just happened. Then when, Daichi realized his hand was still over my mouth he jerked up and took it away from my mouth.


Daichi said as he averted my gaze, stood up, and walked away.....He's avoiding me... I thought....I mean..That's fine with me, since I don't wanna be involved with him anymore...but...why, does my heart hurt...
As I sat in math class, I secretly stare at Daichi who was sitting right across from me. He seemed poised and calm, not caring about a thing in this world. I guess.. What I said, had really hurt him.. But, I don't like it when people avoid me... I guess, it's fine, since I person I don't like is avoiding me. The bell rang as I took my book and ran outside. The sun was setting getting close to dark. I better hurry before trouble comes.

As I ran along the streets, I decided to take a shortcut, and turned at a corner. And there, stood something unfortunate. Three gangster looking guys were standing there, smoking as they turned their attention to me. One of the guys moved closer to me, then the other two followed.

"Oi, u got a pretty cute face for a guy, don't u think guys?" The guy, or man said as he grabbed my chin.

"Cute face, but he's probably a fuckin bitch, don't u think Boss?"

"Haha, you're probably right. Why don't we give him a punishment?" The man called Boss said. One of the men, grabbed my arm and another punched my stomach hard, making me drop to the ground. I layed there feeling dizzy. But they weren't done yet, the Boss, was just about to knock me out, but a hand stopped him. I couldn't really figure out who it was, because I was blinded and felt dizzy from the punch, but I heard a voice that said,

"Get lost you assholes."

"Helllloo, you awake? Heellllo thereee!" a voice called out. I slowly opened my eyes and groaned as I clutched my stomach, remembering the pain from before. I was half sitting, but realized a boy, my age was sitting on top of me. I screamed out, suddenly startled by the boy's appearance.

"Oh! So, you're awake? You okay?" He said staring at me, with his huge, shining sunset colored eyes.

"Um, uh yea. I'm fine, where am I, and who are u?"

"Oh! Sorry, forgot ta introduce myself hehe, I'm Tahiro, and you are in my room. You have pretty eyes ya know?"

"Uh....um I don't know what to say, fufu thanks" I said blushing

"No problem!" Tahiro said. I was just about to ask him, how I got here but I remembered and played out the whole scene in my head. He was the one who probably brought me here.

"I'm in your class, you're Rei!" Tahiro happily smiled

"Oh, you are? I'm sorry, I never noticed you" I said feeling guilty.

"Oh, it's...um it okay, don't worry about it." Tahiro said, changing his tone to be more quiet. He looked down slowly and then up again, showing that big smile. I thought he looked like an adorable 6 year instead of a teenager.

"Are you hungry? Do you want something to eat?"

"Oh, um no, it's fine thank you. But I need to go home now."

"... Oh, you're leaving already. Um ok, here let me show you to the door." Tahiro said with a slightly sad look. As I slowly stood up I toppled over, but was caught in Tahiro's arms.....

"Um, Oh! Sorry, are you ok, um..." Tahiro asked stammering. I didn't reply, mostly because I was, frozen, and blushing red all over. Tahiro carefully picked me up bride style and placed me on the bed.

"I..think I should stay here for the night." I said

"Yea...maybe you should.." Tahiro said quielty, but I know he was jumping up and down inside cause I saw a tiny smile, spread across his face.

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