7 "Two Lovers?!"

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I laid back on Daichi's warm and comfy bed thinking about all the things that had happen to me. And I summed it all up to one conclusion. Love...I was busy in my thoughts and didn't notice, who had knocked on the door.

"C-come in!" I shouted out, stammering at the sudden interruption. The door opened, and in came an old man in an elegant black suit. With gray hair, which as combed back. I'm guessing he's the butler.

"Hello, Master Rei." The butler said, as he rolled a fancy looking cart that had all kinds of food towards the bed. Wahh~ I thought. Cake! Sandwiches! Smoothies! I'm starving I thought, as I stared at all the food. "Please, enjoy your food Master Rei."

"U-um heh... Thank you. But you don't have to call me master. I'm just Daichi's "friend".."

"Yes, I am aware of that, but Master Daichi has ordered me to call you Master Rei. Tis seems that you are very special to him." And those words made me blush. "Um hehe.. T-thanks"


"Oi!! You!! Rei's boyfriend! Come out wherever you are!" Daichi said shouting out as he looked for Tahiro. "Sir, he is nowhere to be found. We should just go back to Master Rei and inform him of this matter."

"Shut up. Didn't you. Hear? Rei says, he wants Tahiro and he will get what he wants. Now keep looking." Daichi commanded. The men including Daichi looked everywhere at the place that Rei got hit by Tahiro, but still they had no luck. But just then, when they were about to leave, Daichi and his guards heard a rustling noise behind a small bush they hadn't thought of looking behind, mainly because it was too small to use as a hiding spot. ".. Shh." Daichi whispered. He moved closer to the bush, and then moved the tiny branches out of the way, and behind it revealed Tahiro. Who was scrunched up into a tiny ball. "You. Let's go" Daichi said as he grabbed Tahiro's arm and dragged him along. "H-hey!! What are u doing?!"

"Want am I doing? I'm bringing you to Rei."


"Now, let's go already."

"W-wait! Is Rei ok?.." Tahiro asked, as he became quiet. "He's fine. But right now, he wants you by his side...,"Daichi said as he continued to drag Tahiro along.


The door opened, and standing there, were two special and important things to me. "Tahiro... Daichi.." I said as I stared at them. Daichi walked towards me. "I've brought him Rei." Daichi said, as he smiled at me like he had been praised.
"Tahiro... where were you?" I asked worriedly as I ran to him and gave him a hug. "R-Rei.. I-I'm sorry..." Tahiro said. As he looked at me, with teary puppy dog eyes. "Heh, it's okay. Don't cry. Tahiro." I said as I looked at him and gave him a smile. Tahiro smiled back as he sniffed back his tears. "Okay, so now that he's here, what do you want to do, my boyfriend?" Daichi said, smirking at Tahiro. "W-w-wait a minute!!! B-boyfriend?!" Tahiro screamed out.

"Yes. He is my boyfriend."

"No. He's mine." Tahiro said. As he looked at me weirdly.

Dun dun dunnnnn

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