9 "We Meet Again"

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"Rei..... Are.. You okay?" Daichi asked me as he placed a hand on my shoulder.

"D-don't touch me!" I shouted out as I covered my teared up face and buried them in my hands.

".....I-..I'm sorry..." Daichi said, moving away from me.

"N-no.. I should be sorry...I'm sorry." I said to Daichi as I looked at him and bored my eyes into his eyes.

"I-it's..Fine!" Daichi said blushing as he looked away from me.

"...Daichi.. I don't know what to do anymore..Tahiro is gone..What if he never comes back??" I asked, getting really worried and anxious. Daichi stood there for a quiet moment, and then came closer to me and gave me a hug.

"Rei..I don't know what advice I should give you..But all I know, is that. Is he really loves you...He'll, come back. Even though I don't him to....He will."

".....Really?" I asked.

"Yea.." Daichi replied smiling at me.

He'll come back for me, huh?....


I'm gonna wait for one week, and if he doesn't come back.


I'll come to him.

"Rei!" Daichi shouted out.

"W-what?!" I screamed out, startled.

"D-do you..perhaps, want to go on.. a date with me?" Daichi asked looking at me hopefully.

"... Daichi, you know that I can't. Tahiro. What about hi-"

"Then it's not a date. Let's just make it, like a hanging out day. Okay? Please?" Daichi asked, begging me.

"...Well..." I said, thinking for a moment.


"S....sure." I said, even though I was unsure.

"Yay!!! Let's go then! Today is Monday right?.. Hmm, then let's hang out this Saturday shall we?


"You know that famous restaurant down the street?"


"Let's meet there okay, Rei?"

"Okay.." I said. Seeing that I was kind of unenthusiastic about it. Daichi smiled at me, and then gave me a hug. Even though this is not a date, I feel like something is going to go wrong.

Saturday XD:

I stood there and looked at my watch. 5 minutes had already passed and Daichi hasn't appeared yet. Maybe something else came up and he couldn't go... I was just about to leave, when a black limo drove up on the street of the restaurant. As predicted, Daichi came out of that black limo. He was dressed all fancy, wearing a white shirt, with a black vest and black pants. His hair wasn't all messy as yesterday, and it was combed to the side. I didn't really focus on what color his hair was, but now that I notice it, he had black shiny hair, the color of the night...

While.. On the other hand.. Tahiro- Tahiro had soft warm yellow hair with orange highlights.. It was just like the night and day. Daichi was the dark night and moon, while Tahiro was the day and the bright shining sun..

A mob of girls came running to him. Asking for his autograph, even though he wasn't a celebrity, clinging onto him. Giving him annoying and gross kissy faces. "...ugh, girls." I said quietly to myself thinking that no one would have heard me. But it seemed one of the girls heard me, because she turned around and stared at me with an annoyed look. I responded with a 'get outta my face' look. Thankfully she turned around with out any other response.

Daichi seems busy with all the other girls, which made me a little jealous. I guess, I'll just leave him to his business... I turned around and walked away. And shockingly, Daichi didn't seem to care... I'm such a moron. Why didn't I see that he was a jerk in the first place? He's too busy, he doesn't even care anymore. I'm such a moron.. Such a moron.. I said to myself, shaking my head.

I walked around the area and found a park. The park wasn't all that special and looked like other parks, except there was a small stone tunnel near a tree and I decided to go in because all that happened had cause my head to explode and I need some peace and quiet. When I walked in I saw someone. Someone who's heart I had broken. He turned his head, and looked at me, with a surprised expression. "Rei?"

Another's Note:

Helloooo there my sexy and beautiful darlings!!! How Ya guys doin? I hope you are all doing awesomeee~ Well, I think this is a short chapter, and it's kinda cheesy, but I tried my best! I hope you guys like this chapter and that you will want to read more! Thank you very much for reading this book, and chapter! I really really really appreciate it! Thank you so much! Well, I need to go and play some piano so, I'll see you laters in the next chapterrrr~ :)

Until The End[BoyXBoy]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora