Chapter 6 Secrets, Secrets, and More Secrets

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Chapter 6

Secrets, Secrets, and More Secrets

    I walked back into the woods, trying to think of something to tell my aunt when I met up with her. I knew she would be furious that I went off by myself. As of now, I wished I had not have bothered. After all, as it turned out, Lenora was in no real danger.

    As I roamed the forest, I still could not see anyone. I supposed I lingered too close to the outside near the camps. I decided to pick up my pace a bit but the moment I started trotting, I tripped over a loose root.

    "Well, well, what do we have here?"

    I got to my knees and looked up to see one of those masked men, standing right in front of me. I froze, trying to think quickly of what to do, my breaths growing more and more rapid by each moment. I reached for my wand, which had fallen in front of my right knee. The man, however, already had his wand pointed directly at me before I could even touch mine.

    "That won't help you now," he sneered, "and there's no one around to hear you scream."

    I moment he raised his wand to utter the spell, a blast hit it, causing it to fall from his hand. Brody then rushed over beside me, grabbing my arm to help me up. I quickly grabbed my wand and followed him. As we ran, Brody turned around to shout a final 'stupify' with his wand to keep the man from following us. Once we reached the interior part of the woods, we stopped to catch our breath. It was nice to see other people not in masks around.

    "Thank you," I panted with my hand on my chest.

    He started to respond but before I could, I heard my aunt holler, "Melanie, thank god!"

    My aunt rushed over to hug me. I saw Mrs. Brody behind her.

    "They found me," Brody said with a grin, "then you went missing."

    "You both seem to have a knack for finding trouble," Mrs. Brody commented, putting her arm around her son.

    Aunt Becky put her hands on my shoulders to face me to her. "Melanie, why did you run off by yourself?"

    I huffed and answered, "I went to look for Lenora. I knew she was by herself and I wanted to make sure she was okay."

    "So you two are friends?" Brody observed quietly. "Back at the game, I wasn't so sure."

    I sighed. "It's complicated I guess."

    "Well, I was looking for her too but had no luck," Brody added, looking deep into the trees.

    Aunt Becky shook her head and said, "Well, I suppose we should find her and make sure she's okay."

    "We don't have to do that," I spoke abruptly. "I saw her go with her dad." I paused for a moment to take in a doleful breath. "Trust me, she's not in trouble."


    "Melanie, are you almost done?" Aunt Becky called from downstairs the morning we were supposed to leave for the Hogwarts Express.

    "Yeah, almost," I answered, jamming last minute robes in my suitcase.

    "Do you want me to send Tinker up there to help you?" she asked me.

    I closed my bag and answered, "No, I'm fine. I just finished."

    As I dragged my suitcase down the steps, I heard my aunt ask my uncle, "So what do you think? Should we tell her?"

    I huffed. Not more secrets. What else could they possibly be keeping from me?

    "Nah," Uncle Richard replied. "Arthur said he wasn't going to tell his kids. I think it will be a fun surprise."

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