Chapter 14 Extreme Makeover: Witch Edition

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Chapter 14

Extreme Makeover: Witch Edition

The more I thought about it over the next couple days, the more it made sense. It had to be Lenora. The only other people in the school who knew were my friends, and I know they would never tell. She was the one with a motive.

That morning I lay in bed, gazing at the ceiling pondering what I could do. I thought of something. Lenora may have had something on me, but she had no idea I have something on her as well. I saw her with her father, and I know where his loyalties lay.

I sat up, and saw the other girls were slowly awakening and starting to chat among one another. Hermione sat on her bed, reading a book.

"Hermione," I called out to her in a hushed tone, motioning my hand.

She closed her book and walked to my bed.

"I need to get an interview with Rita Skeeter," I told her.

She gaped at me as though my hair just randomly sparked fire. "What? Why?"

I grinned. "Aren't you tired of us always being in the spotlight from what Slytherins are saying? Well, I think I can turn the tables."

Hermione rubbed her eyes, still appearing groggy. "How?"

"Let's just say I've got scoop on a certain someone in that house."

"Is it Pansy?" she asked. "Melanie, do you really think it's wise to stoop to her ground?"

"No, not her," I said, shaking my head. "Lenora."

"Lenora?" Hermione appeared utterly befuddled by this. "Of all the Slytherins, she has not made a single statement in any of Rita Skeeter's articles."

"I know that," I admitted, "but she does know about me."

"How would she know about you?"

I took in a breath. "Her dad... I saw him that night we were attacked after the World Cup. He supports Voldemort. He's a Death Eater, and I can expose him."

"Did he have the mark?"

I tilted my head. "What?"

"You know all followers of You Know Who are marked, right?" she asked me. "It's the same symbol we saw in the sky that night."

"Right," I said quickly, "Well... I didn't exactly see that, but I know he was wearing a cloak..."

"I don't think that's enough," Hermione stated. "Besides, even if Mr. Lane were a Death Eater, how would he know about you?"

I smiled, proudly, as I had actually thought about this.

"Peter Pettigrew," I answered, simply. "Think about it. He was there when my true identity was revealed and he escaped. He could have told anyone. Right?"

She scratched her head and sighed. "I don't know. It still seems like a long reach."

I groaned in frustration. "Come on, Hermione, you've got to be with me on this!"

Hermione took in a breath before asking, "Melanie, this wouldn't have anything to do with Morgan Brody, would it?"

Taken aback, I cocked my head. "What... no. Why would he have anything to do with this?"

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