Chapter 18 Memory Dive

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Chapter 18

Memory Dive

Aunt Becky sent a request that I come home for the Easter holiday. I had no idea why but I decided this was not worth an argument. After all, it would only be a short stay and the Chamberson Manor was not exactly a horrible place. I just hoped this was not secretly by my mother's request to pull me out of school for good.

My aunt picked me up, directly from Hogwarts and we went to Hogsmeade, travelling home by floo powder. When we arrived at the manor, Tinker made us some tea and we sat in front of the fire and talked. She asked me enough questions about Morgan Brody to fill the entire edition of the Daily Prophet. Of course, she did not fail to observe my new appearance. I did not make that much effort on the make-up, but Lavender said the potion that dyed my hair blonde would last at least six months.

"You didn't do all this just for a boy, did you?" Aunt Becky asked me with a raised eyebrow, but still grinning.

I laughed and shook my head. "No. Honestly, that never would have occurred to me." I sighed and admitted, "I wanted to get an interview with Rita Skeeter, and I thought she might take me more seriously if I looked... well, older I guess."

She tilted her head, clutching her mug with both hands, and asked, "Why did you want an interview with her?"

I just shook my head. "It doesn't matter now. I realized it would have been a huge mistake. She would have just twisted everything I said anyway."

My aunt nodded in agreement. "You were wise to change your mind. She's a horrid person that thrives off ruining other people's lives."

I merely sighed, and nodded in agreement.

"Melanie," she began in a soft voice, taking a small breath, "how on earth did Skeeter figure out the truth about you? Is there anyone you can think of that would have told her?"

I shook my head. "The only people at Hogwarts that knew were Harry, Ron, and Hermione, but I know they would never do that to me."

"And you were careful not to talk about it in public?" she pressed on.

"Yes, of course," I replied, feeling almost certain. "We never talk about it, really."

Aunt Becky brushed her hand against her fore head. "Well, you really need to be mindful of what you say no matter where you are. This is not the first time she's unveiled a secret like this. No one is really sure how she gets her information. She could have spies anywhere."

"Clearly," I muttered.

Just moments later, Uncle Richard came home from work and joined us. He expressed the same concern as Aunt Becky of everyone finding out my true identity.

I huffed. "There's really nothing we can do about it now, right? It's not like we can erase everyone's memories... Besides, things were weird at first, but now everyone seems to have moved passed that, and I still have my same friends..."

"This is not just about how your peers feel, Melanie," he stated.

Aunt Becky quickly chimed in, "But we are happy you still have your friends."

"The point is," my uncle went back, "There is a strong possibility You-Know-Who will return, and I believe it will be sooner rather than later."

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