Chapter 19 Missing Finger

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Chapter 19

Missing Finger

Today the entire school gathered out on the stands for the third and final task, well, almost everyone. I would be there right now, except I was stuck in detention. Only Snape would uphold his detention schedule no matter the circumstance. Even Professor McGonagall probably would have let us go early.

I glanced over to my left, while Lenora wrote her lines. She still appeared to be slightly smirking. I sighed and wrote my final sentence, bearing the quill down harder than I needed to. My detention was merely for speaking out of term in class, while Lenora made a wart the size of a tennis ball on Pansy's face, yet we got the same punishment. I was pretty certain the only reason Lenora was punished in the first place was because it was Pansy. If she had done that to Hermione or me, she probably would not have even gotten in trouble at all, knowing Professor Snape.

As soon I as turned my parchment in, I was dismissed. Lenora finished just moments later.

"I think it's about time you and Miss Parkinson learned to get along," Snape lectured to Lenora while I walked to the door.

"Yes Sir," Lenora merely mumbled. I could easily tell she had no intention of making any effort to do so.

We both walked out, anxious to get to the third task.

"I hope we didn't miss anything," Lenora said as we reached closer to the outside.

I tilted my head and listened for a moment. "I think I hear them still announcing the rules."

"Perfect," Lenora said with a grin. "Then that was totally worth it."

I almost laughed myself. It was pretty funny to see Pansy's reaction when she realized what happened to her.

"There you are. I was coming to check on you."

We walked closer and I saw Morgan standing at the exit to the stands.

I frowned. "You knew I had detention. Besides, don't you have to sit with Durmstrang?"

"Right," he agreed quickly, scratching his head with one hand. He held out the other to me. "Uh... I brought you a butterbeer. They were passing them out at the beginning..."

I smiled and took it, while Lenora brushed passed us both and remarked, "Ah, you didn't bring me one?"

"Er... sorry, Lenora," he said, awkwardly.

I shook my head. "Don't pay any attention to her."

"See you losers later," Lenora called back before she went out to the stands.

I rolled my eyes and took a sip of m drink. I noticed Morgan eyed me sharply. He seemed to be in a strange mood.

"I guess I should get back to my Durmstrang crowd," Morgan said, looking down at his feet.

I nodded and pointed out, "That will change next year when you're at Hogwarts. With any luck you'll be in Gryffindor."

"That would be nice," he muttered and added a quick, 'see you later' before rushing off.

I took another sip of my butterbeer as I walked towards the doors. A blast shot at me, knocking the cup out of my hand. It splattered against a portrait of an elegant woman in a pink dress, who shrieked in rage.

I saw Lenora rushing back inside with her wand out.

"What the hell, Lenora?" I demanded. "Are you seriously that jealous of me and Morgan?"

"You should be ashamed of yourself, young lady!" The woman in the portrait fumed, attempting to wipe off her dress.

We both ignored the painting lady.

"Listen, Melanie, that wasn't Morgan just now!" She insisted in a panic. "When I went outside I saw him already up in the stands with Durmstrang..."

"What..." I started to feel dazed.

"Did you drink any of whatever he gave you?" Lenora demanded.

Before I could answer a blast shot from behind me, hitting Lenora right in the chest. Her body slammed against the wall, landing unconscious. I turned around to see who the attacker was, but no one lingered in sight. I suddenly felt dizzy. The walls seemed to be moving just like the stairs. My eyes slowly fell down and spotted something small on a ground moving towards me. It was a rat, a rat with a missing finger.

Melanie Rosen: Year 4 (A Harry Potter Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now