Chapter 3 Return

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Chapter 3


    I re-boarded the Knight Bus. Stan asked me where I wanted to go. I started to say my home address but then thought of something.

    “Can squibs see this bus?” I asked him.

    “Oh yeah,” Stan answered. “We’ve even given some of them squibs a ride from time to time. Most don’t care for this bus much though.”

    “I can imagine,” I muttered before asking, “Do you think you can drop me off a block away from home? I can walk the rest.”

    Stan looked at me curiously but fortunately did not question it. I knew for a fact Mum would freak if she saw me get off a bus that appeared to drive three times the speed of a racecar, even if I tried to tell her a lot of witches and wizards rode it. She’ll already be furious enough as it is once she realized I was gone. 

    When the bus stopped, I gave Stan my muggle money saying it was all I had. He appeared hesitant at first but then said he could exchange it at Gringotts. I stepped off the bus and dreadfully started back towards my house as the vehicle whirled around the corner.

    “Hey Melanie!”

    I turned and saw Harry across the street.

    “Hi Harry!” I called as I started to cross the road.

    Harry and I saw each other several times since I returned to Little Whinging after spending the first part of my summer with my aunt and uncle. All Harry had to do was stay out of his aunt and uncle’s way and he could pretty much do as he pleased. With my over-protective mother, I did not quite have that luxury.

    “Was that the Knight Bus I saw go around the corner?” He asked me.

    “Oh yeah,” I scratched my head trying to think quickly. “I just wanted to see my aunt for something and I figured that bus would be the best way to do it without Mum noticing.”

    The Knight Bus traveled at remarkable speed so my at least my story was realistic. I was not entirely sure why I didn’t just tell Harry the truth about where I really went. I guess despite the fact that Lenora and I have been on hollow grounds for the past year, she was still the first person I really considered to be my best friend. I felt she should be the first one I tell about my discovery. After all, it involved her mother. 

    “So what are you doing?” I asked him to change the subject.

    Harry shrugged. “The usual, trying to avoid the Dursleys. It’s actually been easier this summer since they believe my godfather is a homicidal serial killer.”

    “Nice,” I commented with a giggle. “Well, if you want you can come to my place for dinner tonight. That way you can avoid them more.”

    “Sure, if your parents are okay with it,” Harry answered.

    “I don’t see why not,” I said. “There’s usually extra food left over.”

    The two of us walked down to my street. Before we even reached my house, I already saw my mother standing outside. Based on the look on her face, when her eyes met mine, I could tell this would not be a pleasant conversation.

    “Melanie, where have you been?” Mum demanded, storming in our direction. “Do you have any idea how worried I’ve been when you just disappeared?”

    “Mum, I…”

    “Do you know how dangerous it is for a young girl to just wonder about by herself?” Mum went on enraged. For a moment, I thought her skin was actually starting to boil.

Melanie Rosen: Year 4 (A Harry Potter Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now