Chapter 10 Out of Sight

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Chapter 10

Out of Sight

Today was the day Durmstrang and Beauxbatons Schools were arranged to arrive. We went through our classes as normal but it was hard for most to contain their excitement. They were coming early enough for us to miss our last classes. Thankfully, for us that was Potions.

We sat in the Great Hall for an early dinner. Soon after, the other schools would be arriving. Most people seemed star struck over Viktor Krum.

"I can't believe we're going to have someone famous here at our school," Lavender squealed to Parvarti before turning to me. "Melanie, didn't you meet his cousin? I thought I saw you talking to him."

"I think he said he was his forth cousin..." I muttered, looking down at my food. Suddenly I felt anxious.

"He's so cute!" Lavender went on. "I wish he attended school here at Hogwarts."

I shrugged and commented, "He might be next year. He told me his mum was getting transferred closer to Hogwarts..."

"Oh... my... gawd!" she shrieked, while Parvati's eyes brightened. "How could you have kept that so quiet, Melanie? Did you not even notice how dreamy he was when you talked to him? You do... notice those things right?"

"Uh..." Words could not describe how uncomfortable this conversation was making me. I desperately glanced around for anyone else to talk to. Hermione was in the library studying and both Harry and Ron had detention with Snape.

"I actually have to go..." I said rather lamely, like a horse shot in the leg. I took one last bite of my chicken and awkwardly stood up.

As I walked towards the exit, Lenora caught up with me.

"Hey," she said quietly.

"Hey," I muttered in response, glancing around.

We got a few odd looks as we walked together, mostly disapproval from anyone in Slytherin. Lenora, however, did not appear bothered by this. Neither was I. At least I felt I could talk more naturally with her than most of the girls from my own house.

"So," she went on, "I came up with another plan for getting our names in."

I frowned, almost forgetting about that. "Are you sure you want to try that again. We got caught last time, remember?"

She raised her brow to me. "This whole thing was your idea, remember? Besides, it was just one lousy detention. Who cares? If one of us gets picked, it'll be worth it."

"I suppose," I muttered before asking, "So what exactly is your plan?"

Lenora shook her head and hissed, "I'll tell you there."


"Right now," she said with a smirk.

My eyes widened, bewildered. "What? Now? We're supposed to be outside welcoming the other two schools."

"Exactly," she agreed, still grinning. "Literally everyone in the castle will be out there. No one will be watching the goblet. It will be our moment."

I sighed and nodded. "Alright. Let's do this."

While everyone evacuated the castle to greet our visitors, Lenora and I stayed close to the walls, walking slower and talking. No one seemed to notice how we lagged behind. The moment everyone was gone, we snuck off to the goblet.

Melanie Rosen: Year 4 (A Harry Potter Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now