Part Six

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the chunin exams

       as i got closer to an ally way i heard someone familiar, naruto! i stayed by the wall as i watched

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       as i got closer to an ally way i heard someone familiar, naruto! i stayed by the wall as i watched. "did you see her forehead it's so wide! its like she's not even human!" a little boy said as saukra turned around slowly running towards them as the all started to run.

       the little boy ran into a boy with purple face paint, he  seemed around our age. i couldn't really hear what they were saying but i knew it was getting pretty serious as he held the little boy from the collar of his shirt. naruto ran towards him as he tripped over morning.

        i reached for my knives as i aimed for the boys arm, i threw it as it sliced his wrist just enough for him to drop the boy, as i threw the knife i saw something coming from another direction about to hit the boy with the purple face paint. it was sasuke sitting on the tree. the boy with a painted face had a surprised look as he looked at sasuke then back at me as i walked closer towards them.

        as i stood next to naruto, "you're a long way from home and you're way out of your league" said sasuke as he threw the rock in his hand. "oh great more wimps to tick me off" the boy said as he rolled his eyes. "get lost" sasuke said as he crushed the rock into dust.

       "hey punk get down here. you're the kind of pesky little snot i hate the most, all attitude and nothing to back it up" the boy said as the thing on his back unraveled a bit. "what are you gonna use the crow for this" the girl with 4 ponytails said with a surprised face. she was very pretty.

        "kankuro, back off" a voice said, we all looked up as we saw a red haired boy. he carried the look of numbness, pain, and revenge. he had "love" on his forehead and a lot of eyeliner. but i hadn't even noticed him there. "you're an embarrassment to our village" the boy said, everyone had a surprised face. as kankuro tried to explain himself, the red haired boy told him to "shut up or i'll kill you" which was pretty unusual.

       " let's go we didn't come here to play games" the red haired boy said as the agreed and started to walk off. "hey! hold on i can tell by your headband that you come from the village hidden in the sand. of course the land of fire and the land of wind are allies but no shiobi are allowed to enter without permission! so state your purpose and it better be good" sakura said.

      "really? have you guys all been living under a rock or what? we have permission" as she showed her id. " we're here for the chunin exams".
"hey you identify yourself" sasuke said as he jumped down from the tree. "me?" the girl said blushing. "no the one with the gourd on his back". "i'm gaara of the desert" the mysterious boy said. "i'm curious about you too. who are you two?". "i'm sasuke uchiha" the boy looked at me next. "i'm rei".

the three turned around and continued to go their ways. i walked away as i headed towards the forest to go train some more. i got there and decided to work on my speed, balance, and nature transformations till the sun is completely gone.

      i finished my training after 8 hours, i was completely exhausted and pretty hungry. i finally made it home the time was around 9 pm. i flopped down on my bed drifting off to sleep.

the morning of the first exam

        i had already registered with asuma after the whole incident yesterday with the strange red haired boy, but to be quiet honest he was so interesting. i wanna know more about him. as i walked through the village i made my way to meet ino and shikamaru, since in order to participate we had to be in groups of three. i walked into the room where my teammates were. it was full of people, many of them looked creepy. i smiled at ino and stood next to her as i observed my competition. my thoughts soon were interrupted with ino running up to sasuke with a hug drooling over him.

     "well well what do you know" a group of three approached us. it was hinata, kiba and shino i think it was. they all started to ramble about who's better, i couldn't care less. i stared at the red haired boy across the room, he seemed anxious almost.

       "hey, you guys. you might wanna try keeping it down a little. i mean no offense but youre the nine rookies arent you? this isn't a class field trip yk. i mean look around you" i heard a voice say. i turned to him and he seemed a little too familiar. could it be? i'm sure ive seen him around my father. i'll just hope im wrong, but if im not what will he do if he recognizes me? he scanned all nine of us but lastly me.

       he had a small grin on his face as his eyes approached me. this can't be good. i'll just ignore it. the other were busy looking around at everyone staring at us. the white haired boy rambled about things as i didn't pay much attention to it. i started at the floor waiting for this dumb exam to start.

"all right you baby faced degenerates. pipe down and listen up! it's time to begin. im ibiki marino, your proctor and from this moment your worst enemy" the man with scars on his face said. "we'll start the written test once you're all seated". everyone quickly sat down in a row. i studied the paper as there was only 9 questions. he told us the rules and we began the test. there were many sentinels on the sides looking for any signs of cheating.

       we had an hour to do the test which was much more than needed in my opinion. i finished the nine questions in 10 minutes. as i waited for the last question i decided to put my head down and close my eyes for a bit. as time started ticking, i heard many around me getting escorted out for cheating.

          the proctor gave us a choice to pick the last question or not which was pretty odd to me. others questioned him, which he replied with " if you choose not to take the 10th question regardless to the other nine, you'll get a zero. but if you do accept the question but answer it incorrectly, you will not only fail, you will be barred from taking the chunin exam ever again!" which was pretty insane. this guy was pretty strict. 

            "now if you're ready, then the 10th and final question. those who don't wanna take it raise your hand. your number will be recorded and then you're free to go." the scarred faced man said. one after another people left the room. i scanned the people in front of me, there sat the yellowed haired boy looking as anxious as ever. he rose his hand up slowly, i didn't think he would ever even think about quitting. poor naruto i thought.

            "don't underestimate me. i don't quit and i don't run you can act tough all you want! you aren't gonna scare me off no way! i don't care if i'm stuck as a genin the rest of my life. i'll still be Hokage some day!" naruto yelled giving everyone a little bit of reassurance. he sure did have a way of speaking.

            i looked at the proctor as he scanned the entire room with a grin. soon after saying "you've all passed the first exam" resulting in confusion to everyone. he explained the reasoning to it all, which now made much more sense. a woman bursted through the window.

           "heads up boys and girls! this is no time to be celebrating. i'll be your next proctor, Anko Mitarashi. you ready for the second test?" the purple haired woman said. she continued by saying, "all right you maggots have had it easy so far but things are going to be different, starting first thing in the morning. i'll let your squad leaders know where to meet me. dismissed".

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