only me when im with you

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i like to think i've grown as a person.
looking back at three years ago,
i was always so sad.
the old me blew so much out of proportion.
she was so dramatic for no reason.

the new me is so different.
the new me stopped caring what other people
think about her.
the new me started dancing in the grocery store
when her favorite songs come on.
the new me started living the way
the old me wanted to.

the new me is so much cooler.
she looks like she would've been the old me's
style and personality inspiration.

the new doesn't ever stop singing and dancing now.
the new me started dressing the way she wants.
and yeah, you may say that the new me
is so annoying because she never stops talking
about the things she likes.
but that's only because you didn't know the old me.

and i'm positive in three years i will look back,
and think "man the old me was so annoying."
but you know what? the new me is happy now.

the new me finally likes herself.

january 13, 2021 10:19 a.m.
why am i suddenly getting an urge to write a poem rn??? any who's i wrote this very early this year and i can confirm i don't feel this way anymore! anyways i totally stole this name from a taylor swift song

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