Incoming call from earth angel to hell creature

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So this is weird....

I've been summoned once again from the dormant depths of hell where this faul creature resides (me)

So let's get to it shall we...

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I was tagged by

an earth angel named StacielNovak112

thanks babe, you're the only one who still thinks of me 🥺

10 things about me

1. I'm lazy af

2. I never sleep. Never have idk why it's just impossible for me, and no trust me nothing I do or take works. It's a wonder I'm still alive but not functional 😂

3. I hate ships. Not just those in water but ppl/character ships. Just no ew, keep away from me especially if its obsessive. I don't do well w/delulus.

4. I don't drink, smoke or do them drugs. Stay clean kids ✌

5. I get bored very, very easily.

6. I do not impress as quick or easily as many others. It takes alot for me to ever be impressd by anything anyone does.

7. I'm a ride or die hoe

8. I have random ass thoughts at 3am, one person here can confirm this 😂

9. If I like something I stick to that same thing forever, say like movies, books, shows, food etc. I hardly exchange them for anything, I mean some shit is for life baby why bother changing it?

10. I'm a chancla survivor. It's just the typical Mex life, you lucky if you ever survived such phenomenon 😂

Tell a joke??

Idk wtf is with this but legit I'm not a person who tells jokes idk how ppl just do it, but I am the joke of life so 🤷🏻‍♀️ but seriously I don't have any sorry.

Spoiler for one of my stories

Well.... see here's the thing, in my only Supernatural book that I have open at the moment (I mean like an actual full length fic not including my onshot/imagines book or my random SPN one) is legit boring as fuck and no one reads them anyway so why bother?

Buuuuuuut...... spoiler for my "Upside Down Reality" Supernatural book is that I'm killing everyone off in the most darkest and twisted way I can think of (Kripke got nothing on my ass). That's it, that's the spoiler but don't fret, I will bring some characters back but that will be at the end of the book. Know that everything I write in it is shit I've thought of years before the show ended and I will keep their ending but I will add more to it. Also I loved the ending so suck my dick.

The only other book I have, which I recently released is a non fiction book (an original story) is called "Teacher's Little Pet" which is about alot of pretty weird and dark subjects while in school. Yes it involves bullying and far worse than that it involves sexual harassments/assault and shit. The only spoiler I have on this book is that as it goes, it'll get darker. At this moment it's still pretty mild and in its beginnings so it won't get to the much traumatic stages until a few more chapters. Idk...

Those were so not spoilers, were they? 🤔😂 sorry I just don't know how to speak of them.

Tag 28 ppl?!

Honestly, despite me only following 26 or so ppl here none of them are active anymore except for like 1-3 ppl who are also hardly active, except the person who tagged me cuz well they tagged me so I can't uno reverse her ass...

So sadly I have no one to tag but whoever enters this rat nest, which will be no one so I'm technically talking to myself. Que triste vida la mía

Oh well, that's it. Thank you for your time.

Bye, see you when I see you.

Love ya

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2021 ⏰

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