I'm A Tag Magnet

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This was actually this morning!!!! And this is when I was realizing that I'm becoming a tag magnet!! Thanks to:

MissCutieAaron08 you sneaky little biscuit you!! 😂😂 my revenge will come soon 😂😂

Let's get this started shall we??


1: What's you're favorite color?
2: Who's you're favorite artist(s)?
3: When was the last time you felt butterflies in your stomach?
4: Do you have any siblings?
5: What color shoes are you wearing right now?
6: Are you weird or weird?
7: Do you prefer Ford or Chevy?
8: What's you're favorite book?
9: Favorite movie?


1: BLACK!!!! like my non-existent soul and heart 😁😁

2: I have a few but my #1 will always be Selena Quintanilla-Perez 👑

3: uhmm... this morning when I was watching SPN and Castiel was still Luci 😂😂😂 can't help it.

4: No I do not have any siblings, and I thank God for that. AND NO FUCKEN STEREOTYPES!!!! we are not all spoil brats and all that other shit ppl say about us.

5: My feet are actually naked at the time 😂😂 cuz its too hot to wear shoes, bit I normally wear black/grey pudgy Convers w/red flannel on the inside, yes pudgy cuz they feel like that and fluffy. If you have those kind you know what's up 😏😂

6: HELLO!! WEIRDO ALERT!!! I'm the master of weird!! 😎😎😎

7: I prefer a '67 Chevy Impala. 😎😎😎😎 cuz I love classics. Anything from that time and before I love, no matter what mark it is or whatever. Anything from today's world I'm sorry but I actually hate!!! New cars are not for me, I'm sorry but they are hidious and no where near in comparison with the classics.

8: is like everyone has this weird obsession with wanting to know my favorite book... 😂😂 sadly I don't have one at the moment, but I'll start looking. Any great suggestions anyone??

9: 'The Crow' (1993) best movie of the 90's, love Brandon Lee!!! (RIP) and I love crows. 😏😏😏

Ok that concludes this tag. I don't even know where I am anymore 😂😂😂 hope you enjoyed that.

Til next time my little biscuits, take care, have an awesome day/evening/night and don't forget that I LOVE YA!!!! 😘😘😘😘

Now tag away.... 😂😂😂

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