Another Tag

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Ok so I got tagged once again, this time by Speedy_Squirrel so thanks love once again for that 😘

Ok so I got tagged once again, this time by Speedy_Squirrel so thanks love once again for that 😘

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1. I would be a crow, cuz I LOVE them so much even when others hate them. They are extremely misunderstood.

2. Hmmm... not sure, do vegetables count??

3. Not that much (I'm broke 😢)

4. I don't think is right for me to rate my own, but y'all can do so. 😊😊 So let me know.

5. My first Castiel/reader book I ever published, "Return" and my GAC/reader book, "The Grinning Terror" I just feel like is those 2, idk why, but if you wish to know the true meaning behind those 2 books then I'll tell you or I'll put it here somewhere. (Like a facts thing idk)

6. Cuz I'm bored and I was tagged.

7. Yeah I kinda do. At first I was a little scared to ever get tagged cuz i didn't know much ppl here yet but now I that I do, I like it, it's fun.

8. Both I guess

9. Not sure I have a few things but I can't recall at the moment 😂😂 sorry


11. I have 2, YoloCat1 and StacielNovack112 (probably have more but those are my main senpais 😂)

12. I'm pretty sure some do, but if that's the case.... Well then I'd be slightly embarrassed. 😂😂😂

13. A little of all,
   Money: so I'll be able to care more for my babies when things come up like emergency medical care and not worry about whether or not I'll be able to pay for it (I'm currently going through this problem right now, more about that in my spn book since I need to update)

  Time: that I wish I had more of when my grandparents were still here before their deaths

Love: well I don't believe in it that much, (well from humans anyway) I've been let down so many times that I've lost all faith in humanity, (not that I ever actually had any to start off with) but the love I do carry for some ppl and the unconditional love my babies and I share is enough for to keep me here.

Well that was it hope you enjoyed and now that we got that out of the way, and sorry I should have posted this sooner, I made it but I forgot to actually post it so my bad cupcakes 😘 but newhos.... onto the tagging part of the game sorry in advance 😏😏😏

Pffftt yeah right.. 😂😂😂😂 but it's your choice whether you want to or not.


Good luck, have fun and have a great day/evening/Night.

LOVE YA!!!! 😘😘😘

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