
38 5 19

Hello everyone who are brave enough to be here, if you are well guess what??? You're not safe from this so you're tagged too!! Unless you're the one who tagged me so yeah but you will next time 😂😂

Newhos let's get on with this.

This is my 3rd time being tagged and I was supposed to do this alone long time ago but I completely forgot so sorry about that. Newhos, I was tagged by:



1: Favorite food
2: Name/Nickname
3:Favorite Song
4: Public or Private School
5: Favorite Book
6: Favorite TV Show Character
7: Favorite Ship
8: Hobbies
9: Things I Hate
10: Things I do Alone


1: Lasagna!!! (I'm drooling just thing about it 😂😂)

2: Nickname - idk depending on the person cuz everyone has different names for me a few friends call or called me "shorty" or "dimples" and many others and weird names, but yall can call me whatever you want. Except my real name (if you know what it is already) 😊

3: Any by Selena Quintanilla-Perez

4: I went to public school my whole life. Yes went, cuz I'm no longer in school, I graduated high school like a million years ago. 😂😂

5: Don't think I have one


7: My favorite ship is The Queen Mary.... 😂😂😂 I'm just kidding. I don't have one, not into that shit and no offense but some ppl get too obsessive, toxic and just annoying. Moving on.

8: My hobbies are if I'm not being a lazy fat potato, it's writing, drawing, photography, AND playing with my babies (pets)

9: I HATE HUMANS! well those that have no respect for others and discriminate against those who are "different" and ANYONE WHO HATE ANIMALS!!!!! If you so happened to be one of them get out!! Or I'll find you and skin you alive. 😊

10: Sing & dance like there's no tomorrow, actually I do that everyday alone or not 😂😂 talk to myself like a crazy lunatic. Idk so many weird shit that I do alone 😂😂😂

Ok well I think that was it, hope you enjoyed learning weird shit about me 😂😂 Now moving on to my victims....


Btw Yolo & Stacy, you 2 will always be my #1 victims so Ha!!! 😂😂😂 Moving on in complete random....

RachaelStroupmention a user

Have fun, no specific number of ppl is necessary btw. 😊😊😊

TAG YOU'RE IT!!!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora