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"I think it looks good." Emilia commented.

"No Emilia. We are not letting Galaxy go anywhere with a 'DANGER: Alien' shirt on. That's just stupid." Chris snorted.

"Well, you're the one who actually had a shirt with that written on. It'd be a shame not to use it. And the jeans look good."

They had decided that the best thing to do was enrol Galaxy into high school and say that he had been home schooled before. Ok, it probably wasn't the best thing to do, but it was all they could think of. Luckily for them, there is an actual condition that turned the skin blue, a very rare blood disease called Methemoglobinemia.

However, the silver hair would be difficult to explain, and so they were planning on dyeing and cutting it, something Chris was not happy about. Galaxy didn't really mind, but Chris thought Galaxy's hair was really beautiful. They were just getting ready to go out to buy the dye, and show Galaxy a bit more of the town.

A few minutes later they all piled into the car, Galaxy with a baseball cap covering his hair. As they drove closer into town, Galaxy started to look more worried. They had explained what could happen to him if they were caught, and he was clearly thinking about that. Next to him, Chris reached out to squeeze his hand.

"It's going to be okay. We won't let anything happen to you."

Eventually the small road opened up into the town, and Galaxy took in a huge gasp of air. There were people all around, out shopping or with friends, fast food places with shiny windows littered the sidewalk and convenience stores lurked on street corners. It was a perfectly normally small town.

"They're all...all of you are..." Galaxy stuttered in horror. Emilia and Chris turned to check that Galaxy was alright.

"What's wrong, Galaxy?" Emilia asked.

"Oh." He sighed. "You don't know. I knew that this world was behind ours technologically, but I never imagined... On this planet, how long does the average person live?" Galaxy asked suddenly.

"Um, about 75 years I think?” Chris answered, puzzled.

"And how long is a year? I've been awake for a day, you said. So how many days are there in a year?"

"There are 365 days in a year. But what's this about Galaxy? Why do you need to know about that kind of stuff anyway?”

Galaxy looked completely dumbfounded for some reason. He leaned back in the car, his head in his hands.

"365" He breathed. "365 days in a year, 75 days is a life. Oh god. You have so little time, how do you deal with it? How do you wake up knowing that you only have 28,000 days to do everything you can possibly do. Now I understand your people's obsession with religion. If I was going to die so soon, I'd want there to be something after it as well."

"Galaxy. How old are you?" Emilia questioned delicately.

"In your human years… millions of years old. I blink and decades pass by, to me 75 years...75 years is like one day. That's all. How do you think I got to this planet? My spacecraft is fast it almost goes at the speed of light, but it still took me years to get here. My planet is very similar to yours.

For billions of years people got old and died, and that was it. But then, someone found a cure. It was so long before I was born there aren't many records, but basically they found a chemical that meant people never aged past eighteen, not until they died. They found out that aging wasn't an unstoppable, natural process. It was a disease. And so after many years of research, they found a cure."

Chris and Emilia listened with shocked faces at what Galaxy had to say. A cure...for aging? Surely it wasn't possible.

"And I think I have it." Galaxy continued, in complete shock. "Ever since I woke up and got away from the spacecraft, I've noticed little changes. Things you would never feel if your body hadn't been exactly the same for so long. I think that I've caught old, and if I don't get to back to my home planet, it'll kill me just like it kills you."

An update! It's short, but it's there. I've had a LOT on recently, so I just haven't had time to update this. Sorry. Next update will be soon, because I just revealed something big, and the next chappie should be good.

Have a nice day.


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