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Chris woke up slowly, and stretched his arms out across the couch. Turns out you really couldn't get through all ten seasons of Friends in an evening, and they'd all fallen asleep.

There was something heavy weighing down on him and he looked down to see Galaxy was had fallen asleep against his chest, partially covered by the blanket.

Emilia was on the other side of the room. She'd made a kind of nest out of most of the sofa cushions and three different blankets. He was surprised she hadn't suffocated underneath all of that.

Absent mindedly Chris ran his fingers through Galaxy's freshly dyed hair. Seeing him asleep gave him a nostalgic feeling. If Chris closed his eyes it was all still there, a perfect copy of the sleeping face in front of him.

All of it was so, so familiar, a face he knew better than his own. He'd memorised the curve of his eyelashes, he could pinpoint little mark hiding underneath his left cheekbone, and trace the soft lips with just his thoughts to guide him. Except now he knew how those eyes looked open, how they crinkled when he smiled. He knew what it was like to kiss those lips and have them kiss him back.

But things were different too. If Chris stroked his thumb across the jawline he'd feel the slight prickle of stubble, not the smoothness that had always greeted him before.

Galaxy was right, he was changing. He was growing older by the minute, just like everyone else. And Chris knew it scared the shit out of him.

It was so difficult for him to accept. That Galaxy might leave, that he had a life that had begun long, long before Chris was alive and would continue long after his death. Before he'd woken up, Galaxy had always been his. His problem, his secret. His friend.

But there were other people that Galaxy belonged to as well. His family, his friends, people who hadn't seem him in years. People who might not even know if he was alive or dead. They were probably worrying about him a universe away.

As much as Chris wanted it, Galaxy didn't belong on earth. It wasn't safe for him, and he didn't deserve to age and die just because Chris didn't want him to leave. He couldn't be selfish like that.

"I love you," Chris whispered, and silently made a promise to himself that he'd never say it while Galaxy was awake.

         *.             *.            *.

Galaxy woke up about 30 minutes later, blinking his silver eyes.

"I'm still not used to that- waking up," he sighed, stretching.

"Me either," Chris laughed. A part of him had been worried that he wouldn't. That he'd just stay there stiff and cold and stay that way for another ten years or so.

"Although I prefer what you were wearing the last time we woke up together," Chris instinctively looked down at his purple onesie for a minute, not registering.

Then he remembered what he'd been wearing the last time. Nothing. He blushed at Galaxy's indulgent grin.

"I think we might have watched a bit too much of Friends yesterday. Clearly Joey has rubbed off on you," Chris muttered. "Anyway breakfast is ready. It won't be as good as good as the pancakes yesterday unfortunately, but bacon and eggs is a classic."

"If you made it I'm sure it'll be great," Galaxy smiled, stretching his arms to the ceiling.

"Hey Emilia! Wake up, we're going out remember?"

The pile of blankets shifted slightly then went still again.

"Come on! We said we'd go to the zoo remember? And then the museum. So that Galaxy can learn more about earth." The blankets shifted someore and Emilia pokes her head out.

"I'm not going," she frowned.

"What? Why not, are you not feeling well or something? We did eat a lot yesterday."

"No, obviously I'm not coming with you on your date." She rolled her eyes like it was completely obvious.

"Our... Right. I guess since it's... I mean it kind of is... But then..."

"It's a date doofus." Emilia cracked a smile at Chris' confused expression.

Galaxy looked up, obviously following their conversation.

"We're going on a date? That's great. But don't those always go badly? Like suddenly an ex boyfriend will show up, or the whole thing will be a bet or a mix up or someone's twin..." Emilia started laughing, interrupting Galaxy's suggestions.

"Hey, maybe we shouldn't have taught him about the human race by watching a sitcom," Chris realised. "Look Galaxy none of that's going to happen. It's just to make the show interesting, we'll just have a nice normal trip to the zoo. Plus I don't have any exes. Or evil twins."

"You don't have any exes?" Galaxy asked sounding surprised.

"Yeah, you know that. I've complained about my complete lack of a love life enough times over the past ten years."

"I know... I just never thought about it before. I'm your first one."

"You're my first everything." Chris told him. "But you know, it's not that weird to be seventeen and never have a boyfriend," he rushed out. Calling Galaxy his first made it sound serious. Like a big deal.

Chris didn't want Galaxy to think it was a big deal because he was leaving. And if Galaxy knew what a massive deal their relationship was for Chris, to leaving would make him sad. Chris didn't want that, he wanted Galaxy to be happy to be finally going home.

Besides, Chris was going to be sad enough for the both of them.

Ugh I really need to update this more often. Sorry guys. To anyone who's stayed with this story, I salute you. It has been on this site since 2014, and I haven't updated in a whole year. Also this chapter is quite short, so maybe I'll post another one in the next couple of weeks.

Hopefully this year will be the year I finally finish it.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2017 ⏰

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