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Almost every day after that, the lonely little boy went to the alien and told him all about what had happened that day, what he thought about things and what the world was like. Gradually the spacecraft started to be more homely, decorated with books and CDs and things he thought that the alien might like.

Chris had always been a little strange, and found it difficult to make friends with other children. And that was why he never told anyone about the alien, because he wanted a person that was his alone. In his head, the alien had a whole personality, a voice and a name. Chris had named him Galaxy, because that was where he had been told aliens came from.

Galaxy was his best friend, the one he went to when anything upset him, or when things went wrong. The beeps from the machine which kept him alive, over time, had started to be like a kind of language. He could tell when Galaxy liked something, and when he didn't. And there was a different, long kind of beep which was almost like laughter.

Since he had been allowed to take a radio with him to his 'secret hideout' as his parents liked to call it, they could listen to music together, and choose which songs and bands they liked. Galaxy seemed to enjoy fast, rocky music while Chris was more into pop, which meant they listened to some of both together.

Chris' parents were always asking questions about why he spent so much time in his secret den, and who this mysterious friend was. Any free time he had, he spent with Galaxy, and so naturally they were curious. But Chris wouldn't say a word about what he was doing, or where his hideout was, and so eventually they just had to drop it. They weren't exactly the most attentive parents in the world.

Chris also spent a lot of time researching aliens, and the stars. He watched as many TV programmes and movies as possible, finding information on other life forms. In a lot of them aliens were seen as bad, evil creatures who wanted to destroy everything. But some of them were good. From a very young age, Chris decided that aliens were like people, there are some bad, and some good. And he was totally certain that Galaxy was a good person.

However, there was something else that worried him. In almost all of the films, the alien was taken away by the government and experimented on. Chris didn't want that to happen to Galaxy, not ever. As he grew older, Chris worried about other people discovering Galaxy, people who wouldn't remain silent. Chris would do anything to protect his beautiful blue angel.

When they had nothing else to do, Chris just talked to Galaxy about the world. He told him about all the places be wanted to go to, all the things he wanted to see. Chris had no idea where Galaxy had come from, or what his world was like, so he talked of rivers and forests, mountains and snow. He talked about all the things that he wanted to show Galaxy when he woke up.

And that was what he wanted more than anything else in the world, for Galaxy to wake up. Galaxy was fine how he was, but Chris longed for a Galaxy that he could have a proper conversation with. He wanted to know what Galaxy was like to talk to, he wanted to know what Galaxy's world was like.

Every day when he saw Galaxy he said the same thing: "I wish you'd wake up." And although he never moved, Chris could tell that Galaxy felt the same way.

As he grew older, Chris got more curious of what the spacecraft was, and how it had come to earth. He tried putting some of the fuel from the spaceship tank into his parents car, and they never needed to fill it up again. The car company was mystified as to how the car was still running, and so his parents just decided not to worry about it.

Other things about Galaxy were strange, as well. Despite the fact that Chris had known him for years, Galaxy still looked exactly the same as he had on the first day he found him. His hair and fingernails didn't grow, and his face never looked any older than around eighteen.

There had never been any doubt in Chris's mind that Galaxy was dangerous, and he always seemed to be as untouchable as the stars. But he was as beautiful as the day he found him, and there was no doubt in Chris' mind that he was totally, irreversibly in love.

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